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LCA Specialist


  • Category: Engineering
  • Location: Chennai, IN

Help Connect a Greener World!
Global demand for renewable energy is soaring, and NKT is supporting that demand by delivering high-quality power transmission cables, services and solutions for both on-shore and off-shore applications. Join a team that is catalysing meaningful progress for our global community!

The role:
NKT is seeking a passionate LCA Specialist to join the forefront of our sustainability efforts. You'll collaborate with a dedicated team at the LCA relevant professional experience center, shaping high-quality Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) crucial for internal and external stakeholders. Working closely with the HVS Business Line and under the guidance of the VP Group Sustainability, you'll extend your expertise across various business lines.

Your contributions will be key in establishing and refining the standards, tools, and methods that define NKT's commitment to LCA skills.


  • Taking ownership in building environmental LCA models and carbon footprint estimates is crucial for projects and tenders. Aligning with tender strategies and technical proposals requires establishing an efficient structure for LCA processes and responding to data requests from stakeholders.
  • Expertise in LCA methods, software applications, and environmental regulations is essential.
  • Maintaining databases and communication formats during tenders ensures compliance and innovation in sustainability. Supporting procurement departments in selecting sustainable materials and providing LCAs for development projects are key responsibilities.

We're seeking a qualified individual to perform environmental Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) and carbon footprint calculations for projects and tenders. You'll analyze cable and system designs, leveraging other relevant data to identify environmental optimization opportunities.

In addition to these qualities, you should possess the following expertise

  • Score on tender level
  • Compile relevant documentation
  • Perform lesson learnt session with internal stakeholders
  • Involved in improvement teams relating to NKTs Sustainability strategy
  • Interface with relevant depts in the organization

Additionally, your CV includes:

  • A university degree on a master level in environmental science, engineering or equivalent, where LCA methods and tools have been used.
  • Minimum of +2 years of professionally conducting LCA. Good knowledge of LCA standards, software (preferably SimaPro), and databases and climate reporting standards (GHG Protocol, SBTi etc.) and LCA standards.
  • Open mindset and prepared to introduce LCA & carbon accounting in the cable industry

What we offer:
Remote work possibilities

Flexible working hours

Strong safety culture

Exciting career development opportunities

Global company & Scandinavian culture

Hightech industry environment

Senior Analysis Engineer
Alessio on how it feels being an engineer at the frontline of the green energy transition.

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Vibeholms Allé 20, 2605 Brøndby

NKT har været pioner i kabelindustrien siden 1891. Vi startede med at udvikle - på den tid - højt innovative lavspændingskabler (LS) under den anden industrirevolution. Vores kabler understøttede omstillingen fra damp og vandkraft til elektricitet og hjalp med til at danne grundlaget for det moderne, bekvemme liv, som vi kender det. I dag går vi sammen med vores kunder i energisektoren for at skabe en sikker og bæredygtig fremtid i en verden, der i stigende grad er afhængig af strøm.

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