Profil #141751

I am an undergraduate student at the Technical University of Denmark enrolled in the very first class of a new bachelor programme ‘Strategic Analysis and System Design’. It is an education that combines engineering competences with business economics and management.

Opdateret 06. juni 2017
Min uddannelse
- 2019

Civilingeniør, Innovation and Business

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU

Uddannelsesområde: Organisation & Ledelse
Periode: - januar 2019
Min erhvervserfaring
2013 - nu

Part-time employer

Part-time employer at the danish company Joe and the Juice. Worked at different locations such as CPH Airport, Copenhagen Mall, Nørrebro and Valby. Responsible for closing and opening stores. Offered promotion but declined politely because of study.
Arbejdsområde: Salg
Periode: juni 2013 - nu
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