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Siemens Level 4 Maintenance Technicians

Global Wind Service A/S

We are ramping up our expanding service and maintenance team with experienced Wind Turbine Service Technicians for site based activities on Siemens Offshore Wind Farms in Germany and Holland.


  • Participate in maintenance and servicing wind turbine generators.
  • Perform Commissioning and Troubleshooting tasks
  • Major Component Exchange
  • Corrective Maintenance
  • Check and supervise that quality measures and safety instructions are being respected.
  • Check and supervise the selection and usage of special tools and equipment.
  • Participate in training organized by GWS.
  • Plan your own work ahead
  • Inspection and maintenance of safety gear, company cars, tools and other GWS properties

Nov 2, 2023

Remote job


Service Technicians

Mid level

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  • You have experience in service and maintenance on either Siemens, Senvion or Adwen turbines
  • You will ideally have SGTT training
  • SGRE Team Leaders will have Level 5 authorisation/nomination
  • You have a completed a mechanical/technical/electrical education.
  • Your English is at communication level.
  • You are cooperative, communicative, open-minded, and flexible – with respect for others and other cultures.
  • Capable of working at remote sites in adverse weather conditions.
  • Ability and willingness to travel and work domestically and internationally as required.
  • Ability and confidence to work at height (includes physical fitness to climb)
  • Professional with a high emphasis on Quality and Safety
  • Clean drivers’ licence and ability to obtain a Passport.
  • You are EU citizen.
  • Valid GWO training and OGUK Medical Fitness certificate

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Global Wind Service A/S

Strevelinsvej 28, 7000 Fredericia

Global Wind Service (GWS) is a leading supplier of turbine technicians, expertise and services to wind farm projects around the world. Through our focus on cross-cultural awareness and local knowledge we have established a unique and highly specialised skills base to meet client demands safely and efficiently across the globe.

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