KMC is one of the world’s leading producers of potato-based food ingredients.
KMC is a modern cooperative that develops and produces potato starch-based ingredients, dehydrated potato powder products, fibers and protein (for both food and feed quality). Every year, KMC uses more than one million mt of potatoes for its productions in Brande, Karup and Toftlund. The company continuously invests in new process technology and food safety (FSSC 22000, ISO 22000 (HACCP), GMP+, ISO 50001, etc.).
Today, from its base in Brande, Central Jutland, KMC exports more than 90% of its production to 90 countries. This is handled through distributors and own sales companies in England, Germany, Asia and the Middle East.
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Camilla Bek Hansen, Research Consultant
[email protected]
+45 31 66 23 32
Unique Human Capital A/S
[email protected] / +45 70 20 67 00 / cvr: 31502705
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