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Back-end Specialist for Developer Journey Automation

Danske Bank

As a Back-end Specialist, you have the responsibility to maintain and develop the back-end part of the different digital solutions based on the requirements. You also need to have a broad understanding of the full development stack and a natural inclination to broaden (T-shape) development beyond your focus areas.
The Developer Experience tribe offers an exciting opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the productivity and satisfaction of developers here at Danske Bank.

We are excited to announce the new position of Back-end Specialist for Developer Journey Automation squad within the Developer Experience (DX) tribe.

As a Back-end Specialist, you have the responsibility to maintain and develop the back-end part of the different digital solutions based on the requirements. You also need to have a broad understanding of the full development stack and a natural inclination to broaden (T-shape) development beyond your focus areas.

Joining us means being part of a diverse and forward-thinking team where you can contribute your expertise, learn from others, and play a crucial role in shaping the future of software development within the organization.

What you can expect as Back-end Specialist

  • Develop digital solutions based on .NET, Java or other back-end technologies.
  • Transform functional and non-functional requirements to solid system designs.
  • Ensure service and process adherence to security and compliance policies.
  • Contribute to continuous application improvements in quality, stability, and security.
  • Assist with defining technical stack and development best practices.

What you bring
We imagine you have at least 3 years of proven experience in platform engineering, with a background in software development, with a degree in Computer Science or related technical subject area.

You are experience with containerization and orchestration technologies (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes) and you have a skilled understanding of cloud technologies, CI/CD pipelines, and DevOps practices.

Beside that we also hope you;

  • Have proficient in at least one programming language (e.g., Python, Java, C#).
  • Are experienced with IaC tools (e.g. Terraform).
  • Have great problem-solving abilities and attention to detail.
  • Have good interpersonal and explanation skills.
  • Have good communication skills in English – both written and verbal.
  • Have willingness to learn and improve constantly.
  • Have ability to work both in team and individually, and with a passion towards high performance, clean and testable code.

What we offer
Our employees can use our offers such as canteen, fitness centre, sport club and much more. You will also benefit from a highly attractive benefits package offering health and dental insurance, pension and other benefits. You will have flexible work hours, 6 weeks of vacation and 5 care days to ensure your work-life balance.

Would you like to join us
We will conduct interviews on an ongoing basis, so if this has piqued your interest, don't hesitate to apply as soon as possible.

Should you need more information about the position, please reach out to Paulius Dailide via email; [email protected]

Holbergsgade 2
1057 København K

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Danske Bank

Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V

Danske Bank er en nordisk bank med stærke lokale rødder og tætte forbindelser til resten af verden. I mere end 145 år har vi hjulpet mennesker og virksomheder i Norden med at indfri deres ambitioner.

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