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Quality Assurance Lead Engineering · Helsingborg, Malmö · Hybrid Remote

Resurs Bank

Engineering · Helsingborg, Malmö · Hybrid Remote

Quality Assurance Lead
Do you want to work as Quality Assurance Lead in a modern niche bank? Join us!
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Would you like to enable Resurs to deliver better software faster?
We are looking for an experienced Test Strategist who will own and manage our testing strategy.

Get an idea of the role

As a QA-lead at Resurs you should have a deep understanding of working according to regulatory frameworks and test. You will lead the development, implementation, and maintenance of effective testing processes according to best practices and our established tools and frameworks.

You will ensure that testing is performed in accordance with the strategy and that results from all automated and manual tests are measured and analyzed thoroughly. Additionally, you will be responsible for enabling teams to measure their tests and monitor test environments. Your contribution is a critical part of enabling Resurs in improving our CI/CD pipelines.

You will lead a quality assurance chapter with of a wide variety of testers within the organization and ensure that relevant test data is used in the testing processes.

The role also involves building a test-focused culture by guiding and mentoring developers in writing unit tests and implementing contract tests.

On a personal level

With your strong leadership skills and ability to make decisions, you will promote information exchange.

It is advantageous if you have personal experience with all forms of testing, from manual testing to technical functional and non-functional testing.
To succeed in this role we also believe that you have an ISTQB certification.

Experience with security testing is also considered a plus, as well as prior experience in testing in a cloud native microservice architecture.

We are lookig forward to read your application!

Important information
On final candidates, we carry out a detailed background check via an external company

More than a job
Resurs is a leading bank in the Nordics with a simple philosophy: we want to create balance in people’s personal finances. On that foundation, we develop offers and services within loans, savings and payments for retail and e-commerce that are based on people’s everyday lives, and that will create long-term value for our customers. And for society. Today, we have a customer base of slightly more than 6 million customers and around 650 employees in the Nordic region.

Apply today!
Don’t wait to send in your application - selection, and interviews take place on an ongoing basis and the position may be filled before the last advertising date. We look forward to hearing from you!
*In this recruitment process, the supplier is solely responsible for the personal data they collect and process. Resurs is solely responsible for the personal data processed by us in the recruitment process.



Helsingborg, Malmö

Remote status
Hybrid Remote

Employment type

Last day to reply
31 August, 2024

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Resurs Bank

Delta Park 46, 2665 Vallensbæk Strand

Resurskoncernen er repræsenteret i hele Norden og består af datterselskabet Resurs Bank. Vi hjælper med at skabe balance i menneskers hverdagsøkonomi. På dette grundlag udvikler vi tilbud og tjenester inden for lån, opsparing og betalingsløsninger til butik og e-handel. Vi tager udgangspunkt i menneskers liv og hverdag, og skaber værdi på lang sigt for vores kunder.

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