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Project assistant internship

CARE Danmark

Project assistant intern for CARE Denmark
CARE Denmark is embarking on an ERP implementation journey, and we want you to join us and be part of that journey. The duration of the internship is minimum 21 weeks. Are you interested in acquiring project management skills and experience with project documentation, training materials and system testing? And do you want to be part of an NGO that help create a dignified life for those most vulnerable to climate change.

By helping us with the migration and implementation processes of our new Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations system, you help us work smarter and more efficient. You will be working closely with our seasoned project manager, Henrik and with stakeholders across the organization.

You will spend most of your time:

  • Documenting current workflows and processes with the guidance of project controllers and the bookkeeping team.
  • Assisting in data migration from the old system to the new Dynamics 365 system under supervision.
  • Cooperating in the creation and preparation of training materials for staff, including online SharePoint learning.
  • Actively participating in testing the new system after implementation.

We expect that you:

  • Are currently enrolled in a relevant field of study (i.e. Information Technology, Business Administration, Humanities etc.).
  • Are IT savvy or interested in learning.
  • Have analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Are proactive and can work independently.
  • Possess strong written and verbal communication skills.
  • Are a quick learner and comfortable working in a team.

This internship will give you experience in ERP system migration, NGO's and would particularly suit those interested in a career in systems implementation, project management, strategic workplace competence development, or business analysis.

The internship is unpaid, but we provide free lunch Monday-Thursday, cool project management experience on your resume and a great network for your future career.

How to apply:

Please upload your application as soon as possible and no later than October 7th.

If you have any questions about the position, you are welcome to contact Project Manager, Henrik U.C. Hoe by email [email protected].

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Application deadline 07 October 2024
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CARE Danmark

Jemtelandsgade 1, 2300 København S

CARE Danmark er en humanitær organisation, som arbejder med langsigtet udviklingsarbejde i Afrika og Asien ud fra princippet om hjælp til selvhjælp. CARE Danmark koncentrerer udviklingsarbejdet i 10 forskellige lande i Afrika og Asien.

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