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We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Operations Manager to oversee our IT operations team and ensure our compliance and security protocols meet the highest standards.

The successful candidate will be responsible for managing daily IT operations, maintaining our SOC2 and ISO27001 certifications, and implementing robust security measures to protect our IT infrastructure.
This role is crucial in ensuring the smooth and secure operation of our IT services, aligning with our strategic goals and compliance requirements.


1. Operations Management

• Lead and manage the IT operations team in the daily work ensuring efficient and reliable IT service delivery.

• Develop and implement operational policies and procedures to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

• Collaborate with the DevOps team to ensure seamless integration of development and operations processes.

2. Compliance and Security

• Maintain and enhance SOC2 and ISO27001 certifications, ensuring ongoing compliance with all relevant standards and regulations.

• Develop, implement, and enforce IT security policies, incident response plans and procedures.

• Serve as a key member of the Security Board and Contingency management, contributing to strategic security initiatives and decision-making processes.

3. Team Development and Leadership

• Mentor and develop team members, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

• Provide training and support to ensure the team is up-to-date with the latest compliance and security best practices.

• Promote a collaborative and inclusive work environment.


• Bachelor’s degree in information technology, Computer Science, or a related field.

• Relevant experience in IT operations management, with a focus on compliance and security.

• Knowledge of audit standards and ISO27001 framework.

• Proven experience in developing and implementing IT security policies and procedures.

• Relevant certifications such as CISSP, CISM, or CISA are a plus.


• Competitive salary and benefits package.

• Collaborative and innovative work environment.

• Commitment to work-life balance and flexible working arrangements.

Ennova is one of the market's leading providers of a platform that makes a difference for people. Our platform is designed with and for the most forward-thinking brands in the world.

Through our platform, Ennova empowers and inspires leaders, teams, and employees to act, thereby improving everyday employee and customer experiences.

We combine more than 30 years of experience in designing employee and customer experiences with a digital approach to organizational and leadership transformation, enhancing your ability to increase engagement and strengthen your business.


If you find this position of interest, please submit your resume and CV as soon as possible – we are conducting interviews on an ongoing basis and aim for employment starting in January 2025. If any specific questions, please contact Michael Torp on mob. 8620 4344

Ansøgningsfrist: 20. oktober 2024

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Daugbjergvej 26, 8000 Aarhus C

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