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Head of Logistics BOLIA - Bolia International A/S

Head of Logistics BOLIA

Are you a visionary leader with a passion for logistics and supply chain management? Bolia International A/S is looking for a Head of Logistics to lead our logistics operations and drive sustainable growth. Join us and make an impact at an international design company with Scandinavian roots, known for our commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability.

Your Role
As the Head of Logistics, you’ll play a critical role in shaping and executing our supply chain strategy. Working closely with the CFO, you'll be responsible for optimizing our logistics processes, ensuring efficiency and cost-effectiveness, and driving continuous improvement in line with Bolia’s company values, vision, and mission. Your responsibilities will span across supply chain strategy, daily operations, team leadership, and performance analysis.

Your Key Responsibilities

  • Collaborate with the CFO to define, document, and implement annual logistics business priorities and strategies
  • Support cross-border logistics initiatives aligned with Bolia's business goals
  • Lead the development of logistics systems and processes for improved efficiency
  • Manage and support contract negotiations with our partners across Europe
  • Oversee daily logistics operations, including inbound and outbound traffic, warehouse performance, and inventory management
  • Drive Bolia’s sustainability agenda within logistics
  • Performance analysis, KPI’s and reporting
  • Lead and mentor the logistics team, setting performance goals and creating a collaborative environment with delegation of responsibility

Your Key to Success

  • A high-performing, customer-centric, and cost-efficient logistics function that supports Bolia’s international growth
  • Improved operational efficiency and reduced costs through continuous process optimization
  • A motivated, high-performing logistics team
  • Great Customer satisfaction

We are looking for someone who has

  • A minimum of 5 years of experience as a manager in logistics, with a proven track record of driving team and department performance
  • Strong understanding of processes and supply chain operations preferable from retail
  • Excellent analytical skills and the ability to make data-informed decisions
  • A commercial mindset with a focus on achieving business goals
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills.

Bolia as a workplace
We work according to the philosophy 'Always in Beta'. We are always evolving, and we love to challenge ourselves. The normal workspace with tight hierarchies and structures is a thing of the past, and the time has come for what we call 'New ways of working', where individuality and community are the focus. At Bolia, you will therefore have a daily life with room to be exactly who you are. We work with flexible workspaces, flexible work frames, and collaboration across departments. We celebrate the social aspect - even outside the office, whether it's a game of badminton, a festive gin tasting, or a cozy movie night. We have freshly brewed La Cabra coffee in the office and a delicious lunch menu every single day.

Do you want to join the journey?
We hope you have had your questions answered, but if you still have a few left, you are more than welcome to contact our CFO Morten Kristiansen by Phone +45 51 50 48 52 or by e-mail [email protected]. Applications and CVs should be sent via the link.

We look forward to hearing from you and creating something extraordinary together.

Værkmestergade 11, 1, Aarhus

Værkmestergade 11, 1, Aarhus

Lokation: Aarhus

Application deadline: 20 Oct 2024

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Application deadline 20 October 2024
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Get latest jobs before others - Bolia International A/S

Værkmestergade 11, 1, 8000 Aarhus C

Hvis du elsker bæredygtige designermøbler, håndlavede detaljer, og hvis du kan se dig selv som en del af en dansk designvirksomhed, der skaber noget ekstraordinært og betagende, åbner butikker over hele Europa og sælger smukke designs over hele verden, med hjerter, der banker for skønhed, kvalitet og kreativitet, så er Bolia måske stedet for dig.

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