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Thesis Work for Motion Prediction for Surrounding Marine Surface Vessels



Thesis Work for Motion Prediction for Surrounding Marine Surface Vessels
At ABB, we are dedicated to addressing global challenges. Our core values: care, courage, curiosity, and collaboration - combined with a focus on diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities - are key drivers in our aim to empower everyone to create sustainable solutions. That's our story. Make it your story.
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R&D Team Lead

Your role and responsibilities
ABB Corporate Research Center in Sweden is located in Västerås, about 100 kilometers west of Stockholm. Together with our colleagues in other R&D centers we develop technologies for future products and services for ABB's core businesses. Marine vessels are rapidly becoming increasingly automated, and an important next step is the development of algorithms for accurate predictions of other vessels’ motions. Information of current position, velocity, and heading direction can be obtained by fusing sensor data, e.g., from LiDAR and camera, using a tracking algorithm. However, for automated maneuvering in highly trafficked areas, estimates of future trajectories are also required. Thereby, the main task of this project is to propose a reliable method for predicting the future motion of surrounding vessels by supplementing the filtering of basic sensor data with other information, such as sea charts and collision regulations at sea (COLREGs). After this, the benefits of using such predictions for improving the path planning of the own vessel can be assessed. Details: • Start ASAP for a period of 5 months • 30 ECTS per student • 1-2 students • On site ABB Corporate Research in Västerås – ABB may cover the accommodation Research topics: • What supplementary information can be used for predicting the motion of other vessels? • What accuracy can be expected from such a motion prediction? • What computational efforts would be required to carry out such predictions in real time? • Which improvements can this bring to the path planning for the own ship? Goals: • Develop an efficient method for predicting the motion of other ships and analyze its limitations • Study the impact of utilizing such predictions in a path-planning framework Approach: • Problem formulation • Prior art review • Method & algorithm development • Validation by simulation

Qualifications for the role

  • Motivated to solve real-world problems using state-of-the-art methods.
  • Knowledge in automatic control, signal processing, robotics, optimization, machine learning, mathematics, or similar.
  • Self-driven and solution oriented.
  • Good programming skills (experience with MATLAB/Simulink is advantageous but not necessary).

More about us
Bring your very own sense of pride and purpose as you help us drive forward the Fourth Industrial Revolution – creating a sustainable future for our planet, and your career. Join ABB and harness the power of our diverse global network, as you collaborate with and learn from our world-class teams. Above all, challenge yourself every day. Let’s write the future, together. More information: Recruiting Manager Linus Thrybom, +46 730 80 99 06, will answer your questions. Any other questions please contact, Fredrik Ljungberg ([email protected]) or Moksadur Rahman ([email protected]). Please note that we can only accept applications submitted through our online career portal. Applications via e-mail will have to be deleted and not processed due to data privacy requirements. Positions are filled continuously. Apply with your CV, academic transcripts and a cover letter in English. Welcome to apply! We value people from different backgrounds. Could this be your story? Apply today or visit to read more about us and learn about the impact of our solutions across the globe. #MyABBStory #Li-onsite

Västerås, Sweden

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