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Graduate in PwC's Deals team - your career as a consultant starts here (Danish below)

PwC - Revision | Rådgivning | Skat

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Job Description & Summary

Would you like to step into the role of consultant and get the opportunity to improve your skills in areas such as private equity and M&A? And do you also want to learn more about the entire process behind company acquisitions and divestments?
Then become a graduate in PwC's Deals and jump straight into the role of trusted advisor. Here you will get a wealth of opportunities, a high professional level and a strong community that ensures that you develop professionally and personally.

"This is a really good start to your consulting career. You will get close to the top management of some of the Nordic countries' largest private equity funds and at the same time you will get a large network - both inside and outside of PwC," says Viggo, Manager in Deals.

Strengthen your skills in our graduate program
On September 1st, 2025, your 2-year graduate program in our Deals department will start. Here, you and the other graduates will start with a thorough introduction to PwC, the team and the tasks that await you.

As a graduate, you will become a permanent employee in the department, and we will ensure that you are well-prepared for the role of consultant through knowledge sharing, tailored course programs and practical experience.

As part of the graduate program, we also ensure that you get acquainted with all your fellow graduates on the onboarding trip, at networking events as well as on assignments - both internally in Deals and across the company.

Learn all about M&A and private equity
As a graduate in Deals, you will become part of a dynamic department of more than 100 skilled colleagues. Here, you will work with corporate acquisitions and divestments and at the same time learn how to contribute with valuable advice to the top management of some of the largest private equity funds in the Nordic region.

In your new everyday life, you will solve many different consulting tasks that vary depending on your field of expertise, which you will choose in advance and stay in throughout the programme. In return, you will get to know all corners of your profession, so that you will ultimately become a skilled consultant.

The 3 tracks you can choose from are:

  • Transaction Services: Work with advanced analytics and reports within financial due diligence. You will support decision-making and value optimization in M&A processes and collaborate with leading PE funds, listed companies and owner-managed companies.
  • Valuation & Modeling: Advise our clients on the valuation of companies and intangible assets as well as the development and quality assurance of financial models. This includes M&A transactions, investment decisions, debt financing and valuation for tax and accounting purposes.
  • Delivering Deal Value: Become part of the advisory on M&A integration and carve-out activities and help our clients uncover complexities and ensure value creation in M&A transactions. We are involved from due diligence to hands-on execution support.

A good community and great colleagues
At PwC, you become part of a market-leading company where we do things properly. Here you get the opportunity to step into a powerhouse of knowledge that you have ample opportunity to absorb from.

At the same time, we respect your pace, and we help you organize a plan that suits your needs and desires for your career. For example, you get your own career coach, who you can spar with – also when you continue your career at PwC after the course.

Teamwork is a core value with us, and you can look forward to working with fantastic colleagues in your new team. At the same time, you become part of a larger community of graduates from across PwC, whom you will get to know well through the events we regularly invite you to.

Are you about to finish your master's degree and are you ready for the next step?
As long as you are ready for a steep learning curve and are about to complete a master's degree within areas of finance, economics or audit, we will make sure to prepare you for the rest.

As part of PwC’s Deals you will go a long way with a healthy dose of curiosity – both towards your new colleagues, tasks and our clients. But it is also important that you are outgoing, good at building relationships and are driven towards working within teams. To be succesful in this role, you should have a flair for numbers, be motivated by a dynamic everyday life, and want to develop yourself within consultancy.

Ready to kickstart your career?
…then apply via the link. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Talent Attraction Advisor, Helena Fjord at [email protected].

Application deadline: February 16th. We screen and interview continuously – so rather apply today than tomorrow!

Application checklist:

  • Upload both bachelor’s and master’s transcripts and CV
  • Upload a motivated application, where you indicate which track in Deals you are interested in
  • Indicate whether you want to work in Hellerup or Aarhus

Your first working day: September 1st, 2025.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Graduate i PwC’s Deals-team – din karriere som konsulent begynder her
Kunne du tænke dig at træde ind i rollen som konsulent og få muligheden for at dygtiggøre dig indenfor områder såsom private equity og M&A? Og vil du samtidig lære mere om hele processen bag virksomhedsopkøb- og salg?
Så bliv graduate i PwC’s Deals og hop direkte ind i rollen som trusted advisor. Her får du et væld af muligheder, et højt fagligt niveau og et stærkt fællesskab, som sikrer, at du udvikler dig fagligt og personligt.

”Det her er en virkelig god start på din konsulentkarriere. Du kommer helt tæt på topledelsen i Nordens store private equity-fonde og samtidig får du et stort netværk – både i og uden for PwC,” fortæller Viggo, Manager i Deals.

Styrk dine evner i vores graduateprogram
Den 1. september 2025 starter dit 2-årige graduateforløb i vores Deals-afdeling. Her starter du og de andre graduates ud med en grundig introduktion til PwC, teamet og de opgaver, der venter dig. Som graduate bliver du fastansat i afdelingen, og vi sørger for at klæde dig godt på til rollen som konsulent gennem videndeling, skræddersyede kursusprogrammer og praktisk erfaring.

Som en del af graduateprogramment sikrer vi også, at I bliver rystet godt sammen på jeres onboarding-tur, til netværksevents samt på opgaver – både internt i Deals og på tværs af huset.

Lær alt om M&A og private equity
Som graduate i Deals bliver du en del af en dynamisk afdeling på mere end 100 dygtige kolleger. Her kommer du til at arbejde med hele paletten inden for virksomhedsopkøb og -salg og lærer samtidig, hvordan du kan bidrage med værdifuld rådgivning til topledelsen i nogle af Nordens største private equity-fonde.

I din nye hverdag kommer du derfor til at løse mange forskellige konsulentopgaver, der varierer afhængig af dit fagområde, som du vælger på forhånd og bliver i forløbet igennem. Til gengæld kommer du ud i alle hjørner af dit fag, så du i sidste ende bliver en dygtig konsulent.

De 3 spor du kan vælge imellem er:

  • Transaction Services: Arbejd med avancerede analyser og rapporter inden for finansiel due diligence. Du vil understøtte beslutningstagning og værdioptimering i M&A-processer og samarbejde med førende PE-fonde, børsnoterede virksomheder og ejerledede virksomheder.
  • Valuation & Modelling: Rådgiv vores kunder om værdiansættelse af virksomheder og immaterielle aktiver samt udvikling og kvalitetssikring af finansielle modeller. Dette omfatter M&A-transaktioner, investeringsbeslutninger, gældsfinansiering og værdiansættelse til skattemæssige og regnskabsmæssige formål.
  • Delivering Deal Value: Bliv en del af rådgivningen vedr. M&A-integration og carve-out aktiviteter og hjælp vores kunder med at afdække kompleksiteter og sikre værdiskabelse i M&A-transaktioner. Vi er med helt fra due diligence til hands-on eksekveringssupport.

Et godt fællesskab og gode kolleger
Hos PwC bliver du en del af en markedsledende virksomhed, hvor vi gør tingene ordentligt. Her får du mulighed for at træde ind i et powerhouse af viden, som du får rig mulighed for at suge til dig.

Samtidig har vi respekt for dit tempo, og vi hjælper dig med at tilrettelægge en plan, der passer til dine behov og ønsker for din karriere. Du får f.eks. din egen career coach, som du kan sparre med – også når du fortsætter din karriere i PwC efter forløbet. Læs mere her.

Teamwork er en kerneværdi hos os, og du kan se frem til at arbejde sammen med fantastiske kolleger i dit nye team. Samtidig bliver du en del af et større fællesskab med graduates fra hele PwC, som du kommer til at kende godt gennem de events, vi løbende inviterer dig til.

Er du ved at afslutte din kandidat og klar til næste skridt?
Så længe du (snart) har en kandidat inden for finansiering, økonomi eller revision og er klar på at lære en masse, klæder vi dig godt på til resten.

Hos os kommer man langt med nysgerrighed – både overfor dine nye kolleger, opgaver og vores kunder. Men det er også vigtigt, at du er opsøgende, god til at opbygge relationer og ser opgaveløsningen som en holdindsats. Derudover ser vi gerne, at du har flair for tal, at du trives du i en omskiftelig hverdag, og har lyst til konsulentrollen på sigt.

Klar til at kickstarte din karriere?
…så ansøg via linket. Hvis du har spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte Talent Attraction Advisor, Helena Fjord på [email protected].

Ansøgningsfrist: 16. februar. Vi screener og interviewer løbende – så søg hellere i dag end i morgen!

Tjekliste til ansøgning:

  • Upload karakterblad og CV
  • Upload en motiveret ansøgning, hvori du angiver hvilket spor i Deals, du er interesseret i
  • Angiv om du ønsker at arbejde i Hellerup eller Aarhus

Din første arbejdsdag: 1. september 2025, hvor du starter med alle de andre graduates på samme årgang.

Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig.

Education (if blank, degree and/or field of study not specified)

Degrees/Field of Study required:

Degrees/Field of Study preferred:

Certifications (if blank, certifications not specified)

Required Skills

Optional Skills
Accepting Feedback, Accepting Feedback, Active Listening, Alteryx (Automation Platform), Budget Analysis, Business Valuations, Carve-Outs, Cash Flow Analysis, Communication, Conducting Research, Contractual Risk Mitigation, Data Analysis, Data Analysis and Interpretation, Data Analytics, Data Integrity, Deal Structures, Draft Preparation, Due Diligence Research, Earnings Quality, Emotional Regulation, Empathy, Ensuring Compliance With Accounting Standards, Financial Advising, Financial Due Diligence, Financial Modeling {+ 33 more}

Desired Languages (If blank, desired languages not specified)

Travel Requirements
Not Specified

Available for Work Visa Sponsorship?

Government Clearance Required?

Job Posting End Date
February 17, 2025

Location: Hellerup - Strandvejen 44

Additional location:

  • Aarhus

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Application deadline 16 February 2025
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PwC - Revision | Rådgivning | Skat

Main office: Strandvejen 44, 2900 Hellerup

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