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Danish Aerospace Company A/S

Do you want to challenge yourself with developing high-quality products for the International Space Station? Then send your application our way!

Danish Aerospace Company has over 30 years of experience in supporting manned Spaceflight, with a focus on medical and physiological research. With customers like NASA and ESA, you will be taught how to work under the Aerospace Standard AS9100. You will improve both your product management and technical skills, lifting your project’s quality to new heights.

Cross-department collaboration is key for our development, so you are going to be introduced to different fields of engineering. Depending on which projects that are currently running in-house, you might work with following in each department.

Software Engineering:
Mechanical Engineering:
Electrical Engineering:

  • Architecture and design
  • Embedded development
  • Network communication
  • Application development
  • Security and encryption
  • Testing and validation
  • Configuration control
  • Application lifecycle management.
  • Concept development
  • 3D drawing (Autodesk Inventor)
  • Structural/Thermal Calculations and FEM
  • Integration of Mechanical Parts
  • Technical documentation
  • 3D printing of prototypes and showcase models.
  • Power converters and control circuitry
  • Sensor technology, trade-off and selection.
  • Analog and Digital hardware design
  • Layouts and prototyping
  • Manufacturing processes and tests
  • Product verifications

Previous interns have designed and developed new products, optimized existing products, tested new methods of rapid prototyping with 3D printing technology, manufactured and/or assembled parts and mechanisms. Initiated development of end-to-end systems, prototyped specific electrical functionalities, analyzed power circuitry, created sophisticated breadboards for evaluation of key features or performed sustaining engineering on existing products.

We have a range of projects in various disciplines that can be adapted to your areas of interest. Check out www.danishaerospace.com, drop an application and come by for a chat about the work we do. Even If an internship is not relevant for you, we might have a project for your upcoming semester or thesis.

Questions or applications shall be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Att: Troels Holm (Software)
Att: Maja Tommerup (Mechanical)
Att: Jesper Carlsen (Electronics)

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Danish Aerospace Company A/S

Hovedkontor: Hvidkjærvej 31A, st., 5250 Odense SV

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