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Trainee: Technical Project Manager

Lime Technologies

We secretly call someone like you a “Swiss army knife”. You are a wonderful combo of a Management Consultant with people skills, and a technical Project Manager with technical project skills. You also get butterflies when you think of quality software and code.

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A thrilling mix of customer interaction and IT
As a Technical Project Manager, your focus is on processes in which you help customers progress, from defining needs and customizing our system, all the way to training CRM users. You have your base at one of our nice offices, and you will travel a fair bit to support our customers. Working with new customers is as important as providing some tender loving care to our existing, longstanding customers. That’s what world-class customer care is all about!

Your success stems from your commitment: a desire to always learn, as well as a long term focus on results. To support you, we provide everything from technical training on our products, to upskilling within project management. You will learn a lot along the way, but some previous programming skills are required.

A Technical Project Manager at Lime…

  • Loves to lead projects and people
  • Has an interest in technology and software
  • Is able to transform problems, processes, and needs into creative technical solutions, and solid recommendations
  • Enjoys facing challenges and meeting new people, and appreciates that different personalities have to be managed in different ways
  • Has an academic degree with a technological touch, e.g. engineer, information systems/ IT
  • Has a driver’s license
  • Fluent in English and the local language of where you wish to work.

Listen to our previous trainees
Let those who have already tested the trainee program tell you themselves. This is Omar’s story.

Life as a Technical Project Manager

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Lime Technologies

Hovedkontor: Købmagergade 67, 4. tv., 1150 København K

We love CRM! At Lime, you find a listed company with 9 offices in 6 countries and 500 colleagues. Founded in 1990 we have been growing by approximately 20 % per year since 2000 – a pace we intend to keep. In 2020 we opened our first non-Nordic office in The Netherlands. Since then, we have entered Germany, and are continuously working on further expansion and acquisition strategies.

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