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Congestion Modeling Analyst


Employer: Ørsted North America Inc.

Job Title: Congestion Modeling Analyst

Location: 812 San Antonio Street, Suite 500, Austin, TX 78701


  • Utilize production cost modeling tools to produce electricity price forecasts for one or more Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) regions in the U.S.
  • Develop and maintain databases that contain input data for production cost models and congestion analysis tools.
  • Utilize forecasts and analysis results to support decision-making across the company.
  • Create high-level price forecasts to guide early-stage development activities.
  • Provide price, revenue, and curtailment forecasts for specific projects that may be developed or acquired.
  • Provide price forecasts to support trading activities, including virtual transactions and annual/monthly auctions for financial transmission rights.
  • Run regular price forecasting models to update portfolio valuation based on existing assets and their contractual structures.
  • Utilize power systems modeling software and tools developed in-house to evaluate historical congestion drivers.
  • Analyze the impact of potential market or regulatory changes in organized wholesale markets on electricity prices and project revenues.
  • Provide expertise on issues related to RTO markets and their impact on existing and future projects.
  • May telecommute but must reside near Austin, TX, office.


  • Master’s degree (or foreign equivalent) in electrical engineering, operations research, or related quantitative field; plus 2 years of experience in job offered or similar occupation.
  • Knowledge of steady-state modeling of power systems; optimal power flow; and transmission planning, resource planning, and generation interconnection practices in U.S. RTOs/independent system operators (ISOs).
  • Experience in power system analysis software packages (TARA, PSS/E, or PowerWorld Simulator); programming language (Python or R); and SQL database queries.

Apply: https://us.orsted.com/careers.

About the job
Application deadline:
Austin, US

Field of work:
Engineering and construction

Employment type:

Work hours:

Hybrid (office and home-working)

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- We develop, construct, and operate offshore and onshore wind farms, solar energy farms, storage facilities, and bioenergy plants in Europe, Asia, and North America.

- Our vision is to create a world that runs entirely on green energy.

- We’ve been ranked as one of the world’s most sustainable energy companies for the past six years.

- We’re headquartered in Denmark.

- We have over 8,600 employees, working in 15 countries and growing.

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Hovedkontor: Kraftværksvej 53, 7000 Fredericia

Ørsteds vision er at skabe en verden, der udelukkende kører på grøn energi. Ørsted udvikler, opfører og driver landvindmølleparker, havvindmølleparker, bioenergianlæg og innovative løsninger, som omdanner affald til energi, og forsyner sine kunder med intelligente energiprodukter. Ørsted har 6200 medarbejdere og har hovedsæde i Danmark.

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