Aktuelle job hos Job - Link ApS

Innovative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Expert to guide sustainability thinking

Job-Link A/S Innovative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Expert to guide sustainability thinking Innovative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Expert to guide sustainability thinking Job-Link is looking for an expert to identify hotspots and explore possible improvements using LCA. Are you driven by purpose and would you like to help make complex pharma facilities more sustainable? About the role

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Erfaren Procurement Manager til vores kunde i pharma

Job-Link A/S Erfaren Procurement Manager til vores kunde i pharma Bliv en del af en førende pharma-virksomhed med en projektorienteret tilgang og hvor samarbejde og innovation er i fokus. Om Stillingen: Du bliver ansvarlig for projektrelaterede indkøbs- og udbudsstrategier for op til trecifrede millionbeløb samt for at planlægge og gennemføre indkøbs- og kontraktstyringsaktiviteter i projekterne

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Quality Manager for Pharma IT and Automation Engineering Projects

Job-Link A/S Quality Manager for Pharma IT and Automation Engineering Projects Quality Manager for Pharma Engineering Projects (PQM's) Job-Link is looking for a highly skilled Project Quality Manager to join our client's engineering team in IT and Automation. Your role will be pivotal in securing the highest quality in all aspects of the word, relating to engineering projects under IT and Automation

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DCS Automation Engineer with Pharma Experience (ABB, Siemens, DeltaV, Sattline)

Job-Link A/S DCS Automation Engineer with Pharma Experience (ABB, Siemens, DeltaV, Sattline) Automation Engineer with Experience in DCS programming Job-Link is looking for a highly skilled professional to join our client's team for an exciting and rewarding endeavor. Your role will be pivotal in shaping, developing, executing, and validating automation systems

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Automation Engineer with ABB 800xA experience

Job-Link A/S Automation Engineer with ABB 800xA experience Automation Engineer with Experience in 800xA With management skills and able to prioritize tasks in the project as well as motivating the rest of the team - so the project follows deadlines. Your background is within Process Automation? Job-Link is looking for a highly skilled professional to join our client's team for an exciting and rewarding endeavor

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Senior process engineers

Job-Link A/S Senior process engineers Job-Link is looking for senior process engineers for our customers Our customer is a big international client that are working within the food, pharma and oil and gas industry. We are looking for talented Process Engineers experienced within the field of process engineering, design & project work. The job Our customers are committed to deliver professional project management and engineering within a wide range of applications and industries

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Engageret Revisor

Job-Link A/S Engageret Revisor Revisor søges til moderne revisionsfirma Job-Link er på udkig efter en engageret og selvstændig revisor til at styrke teamet hos et succesfuldt revisionsfirma i vækst. Vi søger en kandidat, der kan bidrage til den fortsatte vækst og succes på revisionsmarkedet. Dit primære fokus er at hjælpe virksomheder med at forstå deres egen virksomhed - og tallene bag.

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Senior Mechanical Engineer with Project Management Experience

Job-Link A/S Senior Mechanical Engineer with Project Management Experience Job-Link is looking for a Senior Mechanical Engineer for one of our international customers Are you a skilled mechanical engineer searching for an exciting career prospect? At Job-Link, we are actively seeking a Project Manager with a strong mechanical engineering background and a passion for design

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Struktureret Quality Controller

Job-Link A/S Struktureret Quality Controller Job-Link søger en yderst organiseret og detaljeorienteret Quality Controller til at være en del af et professionelt og ambitiøst team hos en af vores Internationale medicinal kunder med lokation i Kalundborg. I takt med øget produktion og mange store projekter, er der kommet et behov for at udvidde kapasiteten for endnu stærkere kvalitets-bearbejdelse samt kontrol, hvorfor vi søger en dygtig person til at vedligeholde den høje kvalitet. .

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Project Quality Manager for a pharmaceutical company in Greater Copenhagen and Kalundborg

Job-Link A/S Project Quality Manager for a pharmaceutical company in Greater Copenhagen and Kalundborg Job-Link is looking for an exceptionally organized and detail-oriented Project Quality Manager to lead a professional and ambitious team at one of our international pharmaceutical clients with locations in Greater Copenhagen and Kalundborg. With increased production and numerous of large projects, there is a need to expand capacity for even stronger quality processing and control

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Electrical Lead for coordinating role

Job-Link A/S Electrical Lead for coordinating role Job-Link is looking for an Electrical Engineer or Automation Engineer for one of our large clients.The position is full-time with employment in Job-Link A/S.

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Instrumentation engineers

Job-Link A/S Instrumentation engineers Job- Link is looking for instrumentation engineeers - and Project Manager - for our customers. You will work with many interdisciplinary disciplines in a company typically in the food, construction, oil & gas or pharmaceutical industry. We have a lot of exciting openings, with good possiblities for the right persons. Who is your team:

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Data Engineer - Machine Learning Specialist

Job-Link A/S Data Engineer - Machine Learning Specialist Job-Link is seeking a skilled Data Engineer or Machine Learning Specialist. Job-Link's client is revolutionizing HVAC systems management with their innovative approch and product. Their IoT solution gathers various data enabling efficient monitoring and analysis. They are seeking a skilled Data Engineer with a strong background in machine learning, to join their team and contribute to their mission.

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Project Manager (Mechanical Engineer)

Job-Link A/S Project Manager (Mechanical Engineer) Are you a highly skilled Project Manager with a mechanical engineering background and looking for an exciting career opportunity? About the job: At Job-Link, we are actively seeking a Project Manager with mechanical engineering background. If you're ready to embrace a dynamic role and contribute to complexity projects spanning diverse industries, read on to discover this compelling opportunity.

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Maritime Project Manager with electrical and automation background to R&D position.

Job-Link A/S Maritime Project Manager with electrical and automation background to R&D position. Job-Link is looking for a Projekt Manager with Marine Engineering experience for one of our very successfull International customers in the maritime sector. Our customer is an established and very well known company, that are focusing on designs and development of the future zero emission fleet for all Electrical and Automation aspects.

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Job - Link ApS

Hovedkontor: Jægersborg Alle 1,, 2920 Charlottenlund

Job-Link ApS er et rekrutteringsbureau, der ansætter personale til faste stillinger på alle niveauer for det private erhvervsliv.

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