Aktuelle job hos AAK - Aarhuskarlshamn

Praktik og projektsamarbejde ved Research and Development (R&D) hos AAK

Hos AAK handler alt vi gør om ”Making Better Happen”. Det betyder, at vi som arbejdsplads tror på uddannelse og udvikling og at vi støtter aktivt op omkring de lokale uddannelsesinstitutioner. Ligeledes tror vi på at samarbejde med studerende styrker og udvikler os som virksomhed. Læs mere om AAK-Danmark og vores mangeårige historie her: 150 - Celebrating our history (aak.com)

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Contaminants Manager

Our story goes back more than 150 years, to the chilly southern coast of Scandinavia. From our early success in Sweden and Denmark, we’ve grown into the world’s leading specialist producer of plant-based oils, employing more than 4,000 people all across the globe. We work with our customers to make the products you love even better. The oils we produce go into making your chocolate extra-creamy or putting the crunch into your croissant

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Research Scientist Refining

This position is based on site in Aarhus, Denmark About the role Refining becomes more and more important in the fats and oils industry and has been included in AAK’s global strategy. To further strengthen our competitive edge, it is important to make sure we are updated on existing and emerging technologies within this field, including distillation, adsorption, surface chemistry and extraction

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Project Engineer

Vores historie, der udspringer i Aarhus, går mere end 150 år tilbage. Fra vores tidlige succes i Sverige og Danmark er vi vokset til verdens førende specialproducent af plantebaserede olier med mere end 4.000 ansatte over hele kloden. Vi samarbejder med vores kunder for at gøre de produkter, du kender og elsker, endnu bedre. De olier, vi producerer, bidrager til at gøre din chokolade ekstra cremet eller tilføre knas til din croissant

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Purchasing Assistant

Purchasing Assistant Our story goes back more than 150 years, to the chilly southern coast of Scandinavia. From our early success in Sweden and Denmark, we’ve grown into the world’s leading specialist producer of plant-based oils, employing more than 4,000 people all across the globe. We work with our customers to make the products you love even better. The oils we produce go into making your chocolate extra-creamy or putting the crunch into your croissant

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Sr Electrical Projects Engineer

Our story goes back more than 150 years, to the chilly southern coast of Scandinavia. From our early success in Sweden and Denmark, we’ve grown into the world’s leading specialist producer of plant-based oils, employing more than 4,000 people across the globe. We work with our customers to make the products you love even better. The oils we produce go into making your chocolate extra-creamy or putting the crunch into your croissant

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AAK - Aarhuskarlshamn

Hovedkontor: Slipvej 4, 8000 Aarhus

AAK has more than 140 years of experience of innovating and customizing solutions based on vegetable oils and fats. In close collaboration with our customers, we use our expertise to create added value across the food, confectionery, and cosmetics industries.

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