Solicited job application - a guide

You have found a job posting that you simply MUST apply for, and now it's time to dust off the keyboard and write a compelling solicited application. Here's our guide on what should be included in your application - and most importantly, how to present yourself as the indispensable employee.

2024-05-07 17:14:00
Move On

According to branding expert Ricki Nielsen, a good solicited application generally consists of three sections: the motivation for applying for the job, examples of how one would approach the job and its tasks, and a description of who one is as a person.

The Motivation for Applying

Essentially, motivation can stem from either the company as a workplace or from the job and its advertised tasks for a candidate. When explaining why you're interested in the job and its tasks, avoid merely stating, "That sounds exciting."

Instead, articulate why it excites you and what aspects of the role appeal to you. Similarly, when expressing your desire to work for a particular company or institution, elaborate on why you're drawn to being part of that specific environment.

Examples of Your Work

Through your research, in addition to the job description itself, you've identified the tasks you can expect to tackle and the challenges the company faces. Be specific in your proposals for how you intend to approach the role.

Who You Are

Now, it's crucial to convey to the recipient who you are both professionally and personally. Describing yourself can be challenging, so it's beneficial to seek input from others instead. Ask a few former colleagues, for instance, to characterize you as both a person and a colleague. You can then utilize their descriptions to begin, for example:

"My former colleagues describe me as proactive, so you can expect to encounter someone who excels at initiating processes..."

What Should It Look Like?

  1. Company Name and Contact Person
    Ensure you address the application to the designated contact person mentioned in the advertisement.

  2. Heading
    Give your application an attention-grabbing title. This helps the employer remember you and your message more easily.

  3. Why You
    Concisely and precisely state why you're applying for this job. What motivates you about the position, and why have you chosen this particular company?

  4. Your Offer
    Briefly outline what you can bring to the table in terms of fulfilling the advertised job and addressing the tasks it entails.

  5. Addressing Requirements
    Directly address the requirements listed in the advertisement and demonstrate how your professional skills align with them.

  6. About Yourself
    Provide a brief overview of yourself and your personal attributes, giving the reader insight into who you are as a person.

  7. Conclusion
    Conclude your application by expressing your interest in the further process and your commitment to actively following through with your application.

  8. Remember..!
    Include your signature, name, and reference to any attached annexes or additional documents.

  9. Proofread
    Take the time to thoroughly proofread your application. A surprising number of applications contain careless errors, which can signal to the employer that you haven't invested much effort into your application.


923 readers
Updated on 07.05.2024

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