Do you lack talent?
We have thousands - and are happy to share!

Job postings, emails, SoMe and Employer Branding targeted at the highly educated.
Reach 175,000+ students, Graduates, Young Professionals and experienced candidates.

With more than 175,000 highly educated CV-profiles throughout Denmark, we offer a targeted exposure of your career opportunities to the sharpest brains - at all levels of work experience. Our network consists of three nationwide job sites and your postings will be posted on all relevant job sites in the network - at no additional cost.

  • is for the work experienced candidates as well as Young Professionals and Graduates.
  • is our student site holding student-relevant jobs, internships and Graduate campaigns.
  • is focusing on Graduates and Young Professionals.

Job campaigns with job postings, emails, SoMe and Branding

A job posting with us is not just a job advertisement on the web. It is an overall campaign, which, depending on the package size, also includes e.g. emails to our CV profiles, exposure in our own and external SoMe channels as well as branding of your workplace. You thus have the opportunity to reach both active and passive job seekers according to your need. You might also consider our attractive loyalty point vouchers, where you get a volume discount by purchasing several job campaigns at the same time.

For certain job campaigns, you can simply send job postings to us via email. Other types require that you use our self-service. Or you can choose an automatic subscription and let our robot do the work. Feel free to contact us via e-mail or phone 38 38 10 10 for any questions.




Good for 'difficult' profiles


Most purchased





or 6 pts

Order by email



or 3 pts

Order by email



or 1 pts

Order by email



or 1 pts



0 / 295 *



Active/Passive jobseekers Passive & Active Passive & Active Active only Active only Active only
Coverage level 100% 85%  40%  25%   5%
Employer Branding profile - - - -
Talent Branding profiles - - - -
SoMe ads - - - -
Direct Mail to all relevant CV-profiles among 175,000+ - - -
SoMe boost - - -
Video player - - -
Front page banner, auto -
Front page teaser - -
SoMe share - -
Branding image on search lists - -
High priority in search lists/job agents - -
Categorization/optimization - -
Activation same working day -
Data driven user match/job agents -
Continuous adjustment -
Teaser text on search lists -
Online time of 30 days -
Logo and job title on search lists
Exposure on all relevant job sites in our network
Exposure in Google for Jobs
Add-On: Permanent top position (per week) DKK +2,000 DKK +2,000 - - -
Add-On: Front page banner, solo (per week) DKK +4,000 DKK +4,000 DKK +4,000 DKK +4,000 -
Add-On: Front page banner, shared (per week) DKK +1,500 DKK +1,500 DKK +1,500 DKK +1,500 -
Add-On: Shared Direct Mail with multiple related job postings Get a quote Get a quote Get a quote Get a quote -

Order by email

Order by email

Order by email



Price for LIMITED job postings:
  • DKK 0 applies to workplaces with less than 20 employees, NGOs and voluntary associations with 1 LIMITED posting active at a time
  • DKK 295 applies to other workplaces and includes a 30-day MINI subscription with the option of several LIMITED postings at the same time

All prices on the page are excl. VAT. Special conditions apply to recruitment agencies.

Contact us for a chat about your recruitment needs - completely free and without obligation

We can guide you to the best solution

Get in touch with our experienced Talent Attraction & Acquisition experts - completely free and without obligation

[email protected] +45 3838 1010

Loyalty point vouchers - great volume discounts

With a prepaid loyalty point voucher, you get volume discounts on job campaigns and Direct Mails. The more points you buy at a time, the lower the point price you get. The voucher is valid for up to 15 months and can be used across the whole Move On Career network of job sites.

5 points:

DKK 8,000

Save up to 20%

order by email

10 points:

DKK 14,500

Save up to 27%

order by email

25 points:

DKK 28,500

Save up to 43%

order by email

Other point quantities: Get a quote, send to [email protected]

A sample of our customers

Our customers are companies from the private sector, interest organizations and public workplaces such as ministries, regions and municipalities.
Below is a (very small) sample of the customers who have created job campaigns with us within the last few days.
Do you wish to join us with your vacant job openings? Call us on +45 38 38 10 10 or schedule a meeting for a non-binding chat.