Job for Ukrainian refugees in Denmark
Danish Government now offers the refugees of the Ukrainian crisis a possibility to start working immediately upon their arrival in Denmark. As Denmark's prime job base for job seekers with higher education we are attempting to collect all such fast-track jobs offers in this section.
Are you Ukrainian refugee?
More and more companies are offering fast-track jobs for Ukrainians in Denmark. Find all fast-track jobs requiring higher education on the link below.
Apply for fast-track jobs in same way, as you would apply for any other job. Find more resources about Danish job market for highly educated here.
Are you an employer?
Do you have a fast-track job offer for Ukrainian refugees? We currently offer to publish your fast-track refugee offers free of charge. Send us a link to your job through the button below.
Note: Jobbank.dk services job seekers with higher education only. For other jobs, please use Jobindex or find more options at JobGuideUkraine.dk.
Fast-track jobs for Ukrainian refugees
All jobs in English
Further resources
Danish Government provides an official page for Ukrainians looking for job in Denmark. You can find further info in Ukrainian as a refugee or info in Danish for volunteers and companies wanting to help.