Want to contact us?
Jobbank.dk is Denmark's largest job bank for job seekers with higher educational background. Every day, we provide about 12-15,000 current job postings for job seekers in Denmark.
Jobbank.dk offers a comprehensive collection of current job and career advertisements, along with articles on job searching and career development as well as comprehensive list of companies recruiting new talents in Denmark.
Kindly note that Jobbank.dk does not offer direct placement or one-on-one recruitment services - nor do we accept resumes sent by mail.
If you would like to promote your CV to potential employers, please create a career profile.
Are you looking for a job?
Do you have a question or comment about a specific job ad? Please direct it to the company in question; contact information is typically provided within the job listing.
Did you find an error or discrepancy in a job ad? Please use the bug report function located below the job listing to submit your report.
Are you experiencing a technical issue with our site? Please contact webmaster for technical assistance.
Are you an employer?
Are you looking for our prices or products? Please take a quick look here!
Would you like more info about Jobbank.dk - or would you like us to post your job ad for you? Please contact us directly at +45 38 38 10 10 or send your request to Sales.
What companies use Jobbank.dk?
Our clients include private companies, interest organizations, and public workplaces such as ministries, agencies, regions, and municipalities. Below is a (small) selection of the clients who have promoted their job campaigns through us recently.