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Agriculture and Environment
I have Mphill in soil science ,I am exprienced in soil pollution and plant nutrition,fertilizer recommendation and soil classification.
I am doing Mphil.(master of philosophy) in physics from pondicherry central project is about magnetic tunnling across a barrier and calculations based upon density functional theory.i am looking for Phd.position in same field.
Passionate about branding and social-media adv. International student, used to live & work in an international environment. My skills: market research, design brief& promotion strategies, awesome desk research skills, SEO and HTML.
I have done Masters in Sustainable Water Sanitation Health & Development. I have interdisciplinary knowledge related to water and sanitation issues. I have teaching and research experience of about 2 years in water and sanitation issues
I consider myself as a sharp analytical mind with the ability to simplify and apply, combined with excellent interpersonal skills and a strong drive for value creation and professionalism. I possess the ability to rapidly absorb and understand information, and an outstanding intuition in the fiel...
Public international Law with a specific specialization on International Environmental and Energy Law. Courses attended International environmental law and International climate change and Energy law.
Myself Amar.s Bhandare completed B.E,M.E in Mechanical engineering & having industrial experience of 2years in automotive industry & currently working as a Assistant prof. in engineering college.
I'm an MSc Energy Engineer, having 3 years work experience in co-generation power plants both in maintenance, operation and development fields.
Currently I am studying Master of Science degree in Earth Orientated Space Science and Technology at the Technical University of Munich in Germany. Previously I have worked at KONE R&D center in Finland in various projects.
I have applied various machine learning methods, multi-variate statics (PLS, PCA, PLS-DA etc.), docking study, Linear interaction energy calculation (LIE), QSARs, pharmacophore modeling and expose on experimental testing
I am organised and skillful at negotiation and also at communication and human relationships. Seeking to work in an IT company where I can develop all my interests and skills that are related to computer networks, electronics or SW/HW development.
Under mina erfarenheter i två olika kulturer lärde jag mig komma med optimala lösningar i de flesta sammanhang. Under mitt arbete utvecklade jag mina kunskaper till riktiga färdigheter.
Cand.IT med fokus på strategi, ledelse. Har haft egen lille konsulent virksomhed ved siden af studierne i 6 år, og har fungeret som fast IT strateg og IT ansvarlig for Dansk Sejlunion siden januar 2011.
Jeg er en engageret person med høje ambitioner og med en entusiastisk tilgang til livet. Jeg er struktureret og ansvarsbevidst, og jeg motiveres af dynamiske, ambitiøse og positive omgivelser.
IT-verdenens hastige udvikling er med til at forstærke min interesse for faget. Jeg lærer minimum et nyt programmeringssprog hvert halve år og bliver kun mere optaget af branchen. Vælg mig hvis i søger en reflekterende og lærenem studentermedhjælper.
My thesis intends to develop a social marketing strategy on getting more people to wear second hand clothing. Case: The Danish Red Cross, Theory: social marketing, the MOAB model and The Stages of Change
Maskiningeniør - M.Sc. "Innovative Design for Manufacture" Erfaren 3D CAD bruger - SolidWorks Bred viden indenfor: Konstruktion og udvikling af produkt og procesudstyr
BSc. Business Administration
Determined, hardworking and positive minded student with experience in management and coordination of various initiated projects.
Experienced developer & team leader with a strive and commitment to develop, deliver and support leading products to customers. Business and technical understanding, leadership and passionate commitment are my main key strengths.
Sundhedsfremmestuderende med baggrund som sygeplejerske. Har været med til at gennemføre og implementere et sundhedsfremmende projekt i Coloplast Danmark. Arbejder på nuværende tidspunkt som projektansat hos Kræftens Bekæmpelse ift. at udvikle og designe undervisningsmateriale til unge i hele
Jeg er den mobility konsulent du søger og jeg hilser udfordringer velkommen
CBS student taking a MsSoc in Mgmt of Creative Business Processes. I have worked in a Manager position in an IT-Startup and am currently working as an Intranet Manager with Communications Improvements for a large org. SOA program team.
My search for challenges have brought me to Denmark.I have won two awards and have been published.These are a testament to my ability to create solutions that instill grace and functionality.
Cand.mag. i Historie
Idérig mentor og facilitator med fokus på relationer, kommunikation og ressourcer
I'm a student at the Copenhagen faculty of Science looking for a job to finance my studies. Motivated and serious i'm fluent in english and french, have work experience in several fields such as science, sales, office assistant and teaching.
Jeg er en bachelorstuderende på Biologi-Bioteknologi, som søger et relevant studiejob, som kan give erfaring og viden. Er meget interesseret i især metabolic engineering, men al arbejde har interesse.
Jeg har valgt at læse en naturvidenskabelig uddannelse da jeg er vild med den måde at arbejde på og ræsonnerer sig frem til konklusioner. Det får mig til at være undersøgende, systematisk og analytisk i min dagligdag. E-business
I’m a digital strategist; enthusiastic, curious and structured. I execute and meet deadlines. With my working background in the fashion and lifestyle industry and my newly accomplished title as, I have solid experience developing, implementing and analysing online presence and determin.
Looking to expand horizons! I have a Master's degree in political science. I'm specialized in foreign policy issues. Over the last two years I work at CARE Denmark as a fundraiser with coordinating responsability for Member Services.
I am a talented and ambitious MSc student with a can-do attitude. My interests are within the field of peptide and protein biopharmaceuticals. I have a strong educational background and valuable experience from student jobs in the pharma industry.
Ekspertise inden for heterolog ekspression og protein karakterisering. Protein oprensning, CD, MS, aktivitets assay/inhibitor screening.
Jeg er altid smilende, elsker at arbejde og tage i mod nye udfordringer. Generelt sætter jeg pris på at udføre mine opgaver engageret og målbevidst. Jeg er lærenem og synes at et job er en skøn afveksling fra mit studium.