7.440 talent profiles

Jeg er en 22 årig ung studerende, som elsker at kommunikere, er flydende i tysk & dansk, og god til engelsk.

Updated 10. april 2013
Challenge is the way to progress. Earning experience in different area helps the person to develop and to build a stronger and larger mass of knowledge and experience which make her/him feel more confident .

Updated 28. marts 2013
Koordinater som brænder for projektarbejde Cand.negot, Ms i business, kulture og engelsk, K 36 år. Er højt uddannet indenfor international business området og har specialiseret mig i salg promotion. Kan at præsentere svære tekniske løsninger eller produkter på en nem måde. • Mit arbej

Updated 18. marts 2013
IT passonista der begår sig bedst i spændningsfeltet mellem mennesker og teknologier. Har flere års erfaring, nationalt som internationalt, med search marketing på diveres online kanaler.

Updated 28. marts 2013
Jeg er en nysgerrig metodestærk antropolog med speciale inden for skoleområdet med et særligt blik på inklusion og identitet.

Updated 02. april 2013
Resultatorienteret og ambitiøs studerende

Updated 10. april 2013
Gennem strategi fokuserer jeg på innovation med mennesker og IT i fokus. Jeg tager udgangspunkt i design/systems thinking og forsøger at udforske muligheder gennem sociale forretningsmodeller. Mit speciale har fokus på gamification og læring.

Updated 20. marts 2013
Studied Software and Technology Development at Copenhagen IT University with a desire to use my IT knowledge and business skills to bridge the IT world and business world.

Updated 27. marts 2013
With degrees in psychology and cognitive semiotics, and experience working for a multinational company within customer service and internal communication I offer a unique set of knowledge and skills that I am keen to apply in a pragmatic context.

Updated 16. marts 2013
To obtain a research position with a concentration in Power Electronics and Drives applied to the Wind Energy in order to gain a more in depth under-standing of the subject.

Updated 22. marts 2013
A graduate chemical engineer with the first M.Sc. in Energy and currently on the second M.Sc. on Process Technology in Aarhus School of Engineering

Updated 18. marts 2013
Bachelor in International Business, currently in Master programme, with work experience from international companies, analytical, accountable, good communicator with fluency in several languages, comf

Updated 10. marts 2013
Jeg har en kandidatgrad i folkesundhedsvidenskab fra Københavns Universitet. Uddannelsen giver kvalifikationer inden for indsamling, tilrettelæggelse og analysering af indsatser til forbedring af befolkningens sundhed.

Updated 04. marts 2013
I am 2th year master student of Social Anthropology at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania. Now I am continuing my master studies at University of Copenhagen, one semester before – at the University of Tallinn.
I am a male, 27 years old.

Updated 01. marts 2013
Jeg er uddannet cand.scient. i geografi og søger job inden for bæredygtighed, ressourceoptimering og miljø primært. Det kan være meget bredt inden for disse områder. Det sidste halvandet år har jeg

Updated 04. marts 2013
I am well qualified.I like to work with Global company,. AS a fresher I want to increase my working ability as maximum as possible & as soon as possible

Updated 10. marts 2013
Retiring United States Air Force Officer with extensive leadership and management experience is seeking project leader, aviation management or teaching position in a diverse, fast-moving company.

Updated 28. februar 2013
Erfaren skatterådgiver med mangeårig baggrund fra såvel SKAT som revisionsbranchen.

Updated 06. marts 2013
28 årig bygningskonstruktør som er parat til nye udfordringer.

Updated 08. marts 2013
Analytisk stærk Cand. IT i e-business på udkig efter det helt rette job

Updated 06. marts 2013
Jeg er en driftssikker personalechef med fokus på at understøtte forretningen.

Updated 03. marts 2013
- Statistics-heavy Ph.D. on EU lobbying and environmental politics with solid experience of representing a human rights NGO at the UN

Updated 18. februar 2013
i am interested agriculture and horticulture.i am student of ph.d agriculturein florence of italy and a am finisheh master of olivculture.my tittle of phd is soil and agroclimatology.

Updated 07. februar 2013
I am a motivated professional from San Diego currently studying for my MSc at DTU. I have a civil background and 4 years’ experience as a bridge and transportation engineer. I'm searching for part-time work with a goal of international experience

Updated 29. januar 2013
I come from Monterrey, Mexico, where I obtained my BSc degree in Computer Science obtained. Through out my bachelor's I gained work experience as much as I could and I would like to continue that here in Copenhagen.

Updated 13. januar 2013