Guide: Trade Unions in Denmark

What is a trade union, which one should you choose, and how can you make use of it? Find out here!

2024-08-15 15:20:00
Move On

What is a trade union?

The main purpose of a union is to handle salary- and employment terms, so that they are as beneficial to the employee as possible. Unions make sure that, among other things, employees have allocated vacation and parental leave. In addition, unions make sure that policies related to employment are as beneficial as possible for members of the specific profession they represent. You do not need to join a union if you don’t think you could benefit from an organization representing your interests.

What does union membership cost?

The subscription amount varies a lot from union to union. Most academic unions have a subscription of less than 1000 kr. Per quarter.

What can a union do for me?

  • Advice and counseling when you’re applying for jobs
  • Review of your employment contract when you get a new job
  • Salary counseling
  • Courses targeting your area of expertise
  • A professional network
  • Individual counseling in case of, for example, firing or termination of employment, in addition to legal support
  • Advice regarding career- and skill development
  • Access to professional associations and networks
  • Monetary membership benefits, such as insurance, discounts relating to different arrangements, and so on

What does a collective agreement mean for me as an employee?

If you’re a public employee, a collective agreement generally establishes the amount of money you will get into your account each month, your number of vacation weeks, your rights to parental leave, and other terms of employment, like whether you’ll have a paid lunch break. Certain larger corporations also have agreements with their academic employees´ unions. 

How can I use a union if I am, or expect to be, employed under specific conditions?

If you’re a privately employed academic, you will most likely be employed under individual terms, but you can still use your union to make sure that these terms are sufficient, such as in the case of salary negotiations. Furthermore, unions engage with politics and work through the media to make sure that the groups they represent have a voice, no matter the specific terms of their employment, such as, for example, in the case of political changes to a field of employment. 

How can I use a union during salary negotiations?

Many unions work out a yearly salary statistic, so that you can see what you can expect to be paid in a job as a recent graduate. In the same vein, unions also know the salary conditions of long-time employees and thus, they stand equipped to help you with later negotiations and if you’re changing jobs when you’re no longer a recent graduate.

How can a union help me in case of termination?

If you lose your job, your union can help you make sure that it has happened in compliance with relevant laws and collective agreements. Some unions also take on cases for their members. If your employer goes bankrupt, your union can candle the practical and legal aspects. 

Which union should I choose?

There will be a union who admits members of your specific profession, as a student or employee. Other unions accept members no matter their field of expertise. You should be aware that if your function of employment is not connected directly to your education, then it can be useful to choose a union based on your position and function of employment, rather than your education.

This guide to unions has been made in collaboration with Christian Lyhne Ibsen, who researches workplace organization at the Department of Sociology at the University of Copenhagen.


 Trade unions popular with professionals with higher education

Business Danmark

Business Danmark:
Business Danmark is a combined union and unemployment insurance fund, or “A-kasse”, primarily targeting sales, marketing and counseling. Business Danmark offers members legal advice, coaching, self-development, monetary benefits and access to their unemployment insurance fund.

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Det Faglige Hus A-kasse

Det Faglige Hus:
Det Faglige Hus is a combined union and unemployment insurance fund, or “A-kasse”. They admit all employees and self-employed workers.

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Ase A-kasse

Ase is an independent unemployment insurance fund, or “A-kasse”, and union, owned by its own members. Ase is open to all, whether you’re an employee, self-employed or still a student. Ase offers, among other things, affordable insurance to their members.

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Ledernes a-kasse og fagforening

Lederne: A-kasse og faglig organisation 
Lederne is Denmarks only unemployment insurance fund, or ”A-kasse”, and professional organization for leaders with more than 115.000 members.

Visit union


Move On editors
215 readers
Updated on 15.08.2024

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