Craft a credible application The Law of Jante Walk Like a Dane, Talk Like a Dane
Tips for your online job interview
A traditional face-to-face meeting is still the most common method of conducting job interviews – but that is not always viable. That’s been especially relevant with the corona virus, which forced many people to switch to digital interviews. Read on to know what to expect and what you should be aware of.
Tomasz Otap (Move On Career), translated by Simone Miller (Move On Career)
3 tips to help you land more job interviews
Learn how to make your application stand out to your prospective employer. We present three examples of how you can show, that you can turn your work hours into measurable results.
Gæsteblogger Danny Thøgersen (CampFuture), translated by Simone Miller (Move On Career)
90 Interview Questions
What could you get asked at a graduate job interview? We've asked interviewers in large and small companies, the private and public sector to tell us.
Daniel Bird
12 negotiation tips
Be sure to start off on the right foot, when you and a prospective employer are sitting at the negotiating table. Here is our guide on how to do it.
Daniel Bird (edited 2024)
Salary negotiations and more
When you and a prospective employer engage in contract negotiations, it is not only your salary that's on the line. Pension, working hours and more can also be brought to the bargaining table. Here is our guide on what to negotiate with your workplace.
Daniel Bird, edited 2024
Secure the best contract
Achieve the employment terms you dream of - with a little homework before negotiations.
Move On Career
The Law of Jante
Getting a good job in your field of expertise can be quite challenging for internationals in Denmark. Luckily, there is knowledge, which can help you to better navigate the landscape of Danish jobs. One of the biggest factors is the so-called Law of Jante, which you can get a quite thorough intro to here.
Alexander Trøstrup Steuernagel, Move On Career
Managing your interview nerves
For some, being nervousness can be so strong at interview that it can seriously impair their performance. This need not be the case. Lykke Pedersen, MSc., gives advice on how to get your nervousness to work for you.
Lykke Pedersen, MSc (interview)