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Lead Famly


If you are interested in an internship in the Ageras Group but see no vacant internship positions for you, please feel free to submit an unsolicited application using the link at the bottom of this page.

We are always looking for talented people with varying backgrounds, ideas and points of view - no matter who you are, we would love to hear from you.

Contact us
Please send us your English resume and a simple 1-page cover letter where you tell us why you are the right fit for us.

If you have any questions, please contact Head of Group HR, Imke Wieboldt, at +45 31 79 17 15.

About Ageras Group

At Ageras Group, we enable success for small businesses by building the best ecosystem around their financial needs. With a well-preserved start-up spirit, we are today an ambitious group of fintech-companies with around 350 employees operating across 12 markets in Europe and the US. As the home of Ageras Marketplace, Billy, Kontist, Meneto, Salary, Tellow and Zervant, and being financially backed by Investcorp, Rabo Frontier and Lugard Road Capital, we are on a mission to revolutionize the financial industry and conquer the world - nothing less.

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Lead Famly

Brendstrupgårdsvej 13, 1., 8200 Aarhus N

LeadFamly offers game-based lifecycle marketing software on a subscription basis, enabling companies in any industry to successfully connect, engage and grow business anywhere in the customer lifecycle.

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