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Flutter Developer

Reflectly ApS

full-time remote (EU)

Reflectly is building the next generation of self-care products used by millions of people to live better lives. Our products range from an award-winning journaling app to habit trackers and more. As a developer, you will work on a specific project critical to Reflectly's needs with opportunities to switch teams and projects as you and our fast-paced business grow and evolve. We need our developers to be versatile, display leadership qualities, and be enthusiastic about taking on new problems across the entire stack as we continue to push forward.

In this role, you'll help a team build user-facing products that provide the best user experience in mobile apps. You will work with a team to define, develop, test, and iterate on products while ensuring quality through software engineering principles.

Minimum qualifications

  • 2+ years of experience with mobile app development in Flutter/Apple iOS+/Android or equivalent.
  • 1+ years of experience with Git and GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket or equivalent.
  • Ability to speak and write in English fluently.
  • Live in the European Union (EU) in a time zone between UTC (Western European Time) and UTC+3 (Eastern European Time).

Preferred qualifications

  • 1+ years of experience with Flutter in a professional capacity.
  • 1+ years of experience with GitHub in a team environment with code reviews.
  • A history of achieving goals on time by tracking milestones and tasks.
  • A knack for writing high-quality, readable code.
  • Competent in automated testing and code quality improvement.
  • Experience with continuous integration and continuous delivery.
  • Publisher of one or more apps on Apple App Store or Google Play.


  • Build new products and features in collaboration with team members.
  • Improve existing solutions as measured by code quality, product reliability, delivery pace, and user experience.
  • Meet standards for technical and product excellence through code reviews.
  • Facilitate or participate in skill development.


  • Competitive compensation.
  • Work from home or a local co-working space (expensed).
  • Anti-stress culture with a focus on wellbeing.
  • 5+ weeks of vacation per year.
  • Room and opportunity to grow on your own and with your team members.

Apply by sending an email to careers[at] with your CV, location (city/country/time zone), GitHub profile link, and a description of how you would improve one of our products.

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Reflectly ApS

Balticagade 16, 8000 Aarhus

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