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Flying Tiger Copenhagen

In Flying Tiger Copenhagen, we are always looking for new employees. We love diversity and different personalities. You need not have a specific background or education. If you are willing to take responsibility and write your own story, you will fit perfectly into our family. Your engagement and personal drive are what count. We are a catalyst for your dreams and ideas.

We have many vacant positions around the world, but if you did not find your perfect match, please upload you unsolicited application by clicking "Apply for position" on you right hand side.

We cannot wait to meet you!

In Flying Tiger Copenhagen, we are always looking for new employees. We love diversity and different personalities. You need not have a specific background or education. If you are willing to take responsibility and write your own story, you will fit perfectly into our family. Your engagement and personal drive are what count. We are a catalyst for your dreams and ideas.

We have many vacant positions around the world, but if you did not find your perfect match, please upload you unsolicited application by clicking "Apply for position" on you right hand side.

We cannot wait to meet you!

Department: Strandgade 71-73, Copenhagen K

Lokation: Denmark HQ

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Flying Tiger Copenhagen

Østerbrogade 108, 2100 København Ø

We want to ensure the long-term success of the Group by strengthening our concept and backbone and by daring to be different. We love to put a smile on peoples’ faces while giving them the things they need, the things they dream of and the things they didn’t even know existed. All at affordable prices.

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