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Maritime Project Manager with electrical and automation background to R&D position.

Job - Link ApS

Job-Link A/S
Maritime Project Manager with electrical and automation background to R&D position.

Job-Link is looking for a Projekt Manager with Marine Engineering experience for one of our very successfull International customers in the maritime sector. Our customer is an established and very well known company, that are focusing on designs and development of the future zero emission fleet for all Electrical and Automation aspects.

Electrification and autonomy technologies are advancing and at the company wants to be in the forefront of benefitting from the new technologies, whether it is hybrid energy systems, Fuel cells or advanced navigational systems.

You will be a part of a team that is already playing a crucial role in this technology transition and the company need a development oriented colleague that is ready to take the technology to the next level.

General Area of Responsibility

We offer a unique opportunity in an international environment to drive the technology development in shipping and make significant contributions to improve safety and eliminate CO2 emissions.

In this position you will be collaborating in a great team of highly capable engineers and work amongst the best minds of the industry to solve complex problems.

You will be part of a team accountable for ensuring the technological advancement of the fleet as the company accelerate the decarbonization and digitalization aspirations.

Further you will also be ensuring that the Safety and Reliability and equipment lifecycle is engrained in all solutions.

At the same time we expect that you include your network in the industry to drive technology forward and continuously have a good relation with our key suppliers.

You will be part of an international organization, where you will have plenty of opportunity to grow and develop your capabilities and career.

Your experience

We are looking for an experienced maritime Electrical & Automation engineer with experience with, design and development of vessel concepts.

You have a technical understanding and have some experience in the maritime field and knowledge of relevant maritime regulations and class requirements.

You have 5-10 years’ work experience in designing maritime electrical and/or automation systems combined with an academic education (minimum bachelor) within E&A engineering, along with project management skills.

Experience with hybrid systems, fuel cells and advanced automation/autonomy will be an advantage - but not a requirement.

As we are working with new types of fuels and electrical systems, knowledge within Hazardous Areas and High Voltage equipment and installation is an advantage.

If you have been working with electrical systems studies (short circuit, selectivity, harmonic, dynamic, load flows etc.) it will be an advantage also.

Good communication skills in English, both written and verbal, with presentation and facilitation skills are required - Danish is not mandatory.


The job will be a temporary position for 2-4 years with possibility for extention. It is also a posibility to get a permanent position after a period - if you fit into the team.

Please note that due to GDPR-rules we only received CV and applications on the link below.

If you have any questions regarding this jobposting, please contact Iben Holm
[email protected]
Tlf.: + 45 40602000
Application deadline:
As soon as possible

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Job - Link ApS

Jægersborg Alle 1,, 2920 Charlottenlund

Job-Link ApS er et rekrutteringsbureau, der ansætter personale til faste stillinger på alle niveauer for det private erhvervsliv.

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