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CV/QA Specialist, Copenhagen, Denmark

emagine Consulting A/S

Join our team as a QA/CV Sourcing Specialist in Copenhagen, Denmark!
Are you ready to drive impactful changes for some of the top-tier IT freelancers in Denmark and across Europe? Come aboard our dynamic Sourcing Back Office team and step into the role of a QA/CV Sourcing Specialist in the rapidly expanding IT industry!

As a QA/CV Sourcing Specialist, your primary mission is to craft impeccable matches between consultants and assignments. You'll take charge of maintaining the accuracy and relevance of information related to our pool of independent consultants. Your expertise will play a pivotal role in aligning their skills with the tasks at hand.

Your Profile:

  • Strong interpersonal skills.
  • Proficiency in crafting resumes/CVs for IT and business profiles.
  • Enthusiasm for quality assurance, data analysis, and optimization.
  • Team-oriented with a service-driven mindset.
  • Excellent English and Danish language proficiency (both written and spoken).
  • Preferred higher academic degree (not mandatory).
  • Detail-oriented with the ability to simplify complex information.
  • Exceptional organizational skills and a knack for bringing order to complex situations.

What You'll Do:

  • Collaborate with consultants to meticulously curate CVs.
  • Play a key role in ensuring in-depth administration of CV production.
  • Maintain the balance between speed and quality in delivery.
  • Harness your Danish and English language skills to create impactful CVs.
  • Engage in the entire CV production process to provide clients with insightful consultant experiences.

A Glimpse into Your Daily Workflow
Within your daily workflow, a journey unfolds with a simple client request sparked by the Account Manager. This triggers a precisely tuned automated process, guiding tasks through a digital labyrinth.

The Front Office team springs to action, meticulously navigating an extensive database to uncover profiles perfectly tailored to the client's needs.

These chosen consultants then find their way to the capable hands of the Back Office team. Here, the Back Office, in collaboration with the consultant, crafts their profiles into Project CVs, where every achievement and skill aligns harmoniously. The result: a tangible representation of collaboration, translating client requests into concrete deliverables.

What We Seek:

  • Discipline and responsibility in managing your workflow.
  • Effective people and communication skills.
  • Understanding the importance of balancing speed and quality.
  • Genuine interest in IT and emerging technologies.

Why You'll Thrive Here:

  • Enjoy a flat organizational structure with a flexible and cooperative atmosphere.
  • Participate in social activities, fostering camaraderie among colleagues.
  • Contribute to a diverse and inclusive work environment.
  • Join a team that values personal and professional growth.

Apply Today!
We're actively conducting interviews. Don't miss your chance to be part of our team. Send in your CV and application without delay.

Testimonial from Sourcing Specialist, August Luukanen: "emagine has been an incredible journey, welcoming me from day one and allowing me to excel as a Sourcing Specialist. With emphasis on professional development and autonomy, I have developed my own unique style of recruitment and being part of key project decisions has given me pride and purpose. The social aspect has allowed me to build strong relationships and feel part of a tight-knit community. Working at emagine has been one of the best decisions I've made in my professional career."

Sydhavnsgade 16, 2nd floor, Copenhagen SV.

Location: Copenhagen

Application deadline: 30 Sep 2024

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Application deadline 30 September 2024
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emagine Consulting A/S

Sydhavnsgade 16, 2., 2450 København SV

emagine er et high-end forretnings- og IT-konsulenthus. Med et omfattende netværk af eksperter, sikrer vi fremdrift, løser problemer og skaber mærkbare resultater gennem skræddersyede konsulentydelser, Nearshoring as a Service og en række Managed Services.

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