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Attorney at Law or Legal Advisor (cand.merc.jur) for Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) and Capital Markets Law (ECM)


Plesner's Corporate Finance team is looking for
Attorneys at law or legal advisors with relevant experience in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and/or equity capital markets (ECM) to start as soon as possible. If you have a special interest in working on some of the largest and most complex M&A transactions, exciting investments, and IPOs, you are the candidate we are looking for.

About the position
Plesner is one of the absolute market leaders in Denmark when it comes to both mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and equity capital markets (ECM).

In terms of M&A, we advise on all forms of business transfers, focusing on purchase and sales processes, investments, joint ventures, mergers, demergers, and restructurings. We represent a broad range of both Danish and foreign clients; primarily Danish, Nordic, and international private equity funds, but also founders, strategic investors, and industrial companies.

In terms of ECM, we advise on all aspects of capital markets, including IPOs, public M&A/public takeover bids, rights issues, accelerated book-buildings, directed issues and general stock exchange and capital markets advice to listed companies. We also advise Danish companies on listings and issuances on foreign stock exchanges.

As advisors, we go to great lengths to understand our clients' businesses, which enables us to provide advice that is both legally and commercially value adding.

Work in M&A and ECM is very highly versatile, and you will be collaborating with many different people; both internally at Plesner, where we have some of the most skilled specialists in Denmark, and externally with other advisors and stakeholders. The work is also highly international, as most of our cases have a cross-border element, such as a foreign client, a foreign target, or a Danish company with operations abroad. Consequently, we often collaborate with international law firms and foreign advisors, which provides an international perspective that is also reflected in the way we work.

We always work in teams. This ensures that our cases are handled with the highest level of legal expertise combined with a commercial understanding of what adds value for the client. This collaboration also ensures your professional and personal development in a dynamic environment characterised by high spirits.

In short, you can expect an exciting job in an inspiring and challenging work environment where you will work with some of the most talented colleagues in the industry.

About you
You are an attorney at law or a legal advisor (cand.merc.jur.) with relevant professional experience in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and/or equity capital markets (ECM). You have strong legal skills, knowledge of the processes and tasks in M&A and/or ECM, and you are motivated by creating the best solutions together with your colleagues. You are independent, responsible and thorough, and you are willing to learn. You work in a structured manner and are good at collaborating with others. You communicate clearly and with a focus on the recipient in written as well as spoken Danish and English.
Collaboration and social relations in our Corporate Finance team are central to everything we do. Therefore, it is essential that your legal skills are combined with being approachable, being energised by being part of a team and by appreciating good collegial relationships.

See more about working at Plesner here

Your application
If you want to know more about us and the position, please do not hesitate to contact attorney at law, partner Thomas Pitzner-Jørgensen (M&A), attorney at law, partner Janus Jepsen (ECM), or HR manager Mikkel Pedersen at +45 33 12 11 33.

We continuously invite applicants for interviews until we have found the right candidate and look forward to hearing from you.

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Amerika Plads 37, 2100 København Ø

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