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Senior Vice President Operations (m/k/d)

Hays Specialist Recruitment

Fastansættelse hos vores kunde


Startdato: så hurtigt som muligt

Referencenummer: 741976/1

Om virksomheden

  • 5 weeks’ vacation + 5 days “feriefridage”
  • Good employment conditions, incl. pension scheme and health insurance
  • A company with good development opportunities and unique products
  • Good colleagues, sports and leisure activities
  • Canteen and flexible hours


  • Develop annual business & improvement plan in accordance with the strategic targets
  • Continuation of Lean Activities incl. embedding Lean Culture and Principles in daily work
  • Synchronize the daily management activities
  • Build the team competence and capacity in accordance with the long-term plan
  • Develop and implement required procedures with major stakeholders to ensure right level of performance and orchestration between departments
  • Environment, Health & Safety - compliance with internal guidelines, targets and legal safety requirements for entire site
  • ISO - ISO 9001 (quality management) and ISO 14001 (environmental management)
  • Responsibility for the company goals and compliance in quality management


  • Degree in Engineering/Supply Chain management or related degree
  • Very good technical insight, worked in General business management
  • Minimum 10 years of experience within a supply chain and / or senior Project Management leadership role
  • Documented business understanding, commercial skills and can work and perform under pressure
  • Excellent Supply Chain Information System application knowledge
  • Ability to communicate fluently in Danish & English.


  • 5 weeks’ vacation + 5 days “feriefridage”
  • Good employment conditions, incl. pension scheme and health insurance
  • A company with good development opportunities and unique products
  • Good colleagues, sports, and leisure activities
  • Canteen and flexible hours

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Hays Specialist Recruitment

Kongens Nytorv 8,, 1050 København K

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