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Senior Java Developer Engineering · Multiple locations · Hybrid Remote

Resurs Bank

Engineering · Multiple locations · Hybrid Remote

Senior Java Developer
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Greetings, explorers!

Are you an experienced developer with a passion for charting new frontiers and overcoming cosmic challenges, such as badly written code? Then Resurs Bank is the perfect spacecraft for you! We combine the best of fintech and traditional banking, and we need skilled developers to help us navigate these territories.

Get an idea of the role

As a senior developer at Resurs Bank, you will:

🚀 Work in an agile product development crew that values quality, rapid feedback, and regular deliveries that create business value.

🌌 Have a clear purpose and ownership to continuously improve our products.

🔭 Use a wide array of technologies such as Java, Spring/Spring Boot, OpenShift/Kubernetes, Jenkins, BitBucket, AWS to tackle the entire product development lifecycle.

👥 Collaborate within a team that values cooperation and personal growth.

On a personal level
But we're not just searching for technical expertise. At Resurs, we know that our crew is the backbone of the spacecraft and, therefore, the most critical asset we have. This is why we have a unique culture that supports our crew's personal growth and development, both professionally and personally. We encourage you to take the helm of your career, and we provide you with the resources and support you need to navigate toward your goals.

We're proud to have a crew that values unity, and where everyone's unique skills and contributions are recognized and appreciated.

Therefore, to join our crew, we believe that you are a person who:

💥 Is passionate about what you do.

🤝 Is a team player.

🧠 Is constantly seeking to learn and improve.

💪 Is not afraid of change.

So, if you're a senior developer with at least +5 years of experience in Java development, and you are passionate about writing clean and testable code, then prepare for liftoff and send in your application today!

Important information
On final candidates, we carry out a detailed background check via an external company.

Join our mission!
Join us and work in an environment that encourages a healthy work-life balance, and where you get to be the captain of your own development journey. We are here to soar toward the stars, and we want you to be on board.


System Developer

Helsingborg, Malmö, Stockholm

Remote status
Hybrid Remote

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Some remote working
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Resurs Bank

Delta Park 46, 2665 Vallensbæk Strand

Resurskoncernen er repræsenteret i hele Norden og består af datterselskabet Resurs Bank. Vi hjælper med at skabe balance i menneskers hverdagsøkonomi. På dette grundlag udvikler vi tilbud og tjenester inden for lån, opsparing og betalingsløsninger til butik og e-handel. Vi tager udgangspunkt i menneskers liv og hverdag, og skaber værdi på lang sigt for vores kunder.

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