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IT Solution Architect, Manufacturing Domain


Location: Danmark, Guderup

Are you looking for an opportunity to use your IT Architect experience to take the lead in a successful international B2B company around digital production? Then this is the opportunity you are looking for!

We are looking for an experienced and passionate Solution Architect to support all the great digitization initiatives that are ongoing in LINAK. You will be our new member of the IT Architect team, that is working globally and across all functional areas. The key focus is on designing and supporting solutions that will be long lasting, reduce complexity and optimize our system landscape.

Your focus area will be the IT architecture for solutions supporting our digital production roadmap, that can support a hybrid setup between on-prem and cloud solutions.

You will

  • Drive the architecture in line with Enterprise Architecture and the LINAK strategy
  • Work with project scopes, solution design & descriptions, hereunder defining project phases, application features, and solution requirements
  • Monitor new technological advances in the manufacturing domain
  • Develop and maintain policies, standards, and guidelines to ensure that a consistent framework is applied across the company
  • Have the technical responsibility in implementation projects
  • Give technical sparing to the manufacturing domain organization

Skills, knowledge & experience

  • Hold a relevant bachelor or master degree
  • Have experience from working within IT and business
  • Have experience within Microsoft Azure, MES, ERP, PLM and industrial IoT
  • Experience with project management, change management and agile methodologies
  • Knowledge of ISA 95 and Industry 4.0
  • Have a holistic view, focus on E2E scenarios and implement ‘best practices’ solutions
  • Strong communicator and successfully aligning many stakeholders
  • Speak, read and write English at a professional level. Danish is also preferred

If you have questions, please contact Vice President, IT, John C. Westergaard, +45 73 15 13 00.

We have no application deadline, but continuously assess the submitted applications until the correct candidate is found (potential application deadlines are system generated and not scheduled by LINAK).

Group Headquarters
Smedevænget 8, Guderup
DK-6430 Nordborg

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LINAK leverer innovative aktuatorløsninger, der forbedrer menneskers livskvalitet og arbejdsmiljø. Vi er kendt ude i verden for vores høje kvalitet, teknisk avancerede og innovative produkter. De resultater LINAK har opnået gennem årene er baseret på et sæt værdier, der definerer hvad LINAK står for. Vi lægger stor vægt på vore værdier, og hvert andet år måler vi på, hvor godt vi lever op til dem. LINAK er delt op i 4 segmenter, der er organiseret som individuelle forretningsenheder: MEDLINE & CARELINE, DESKLINE, TECHLINE og HOMELINE.

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Smedevænget 8, Guderup, 6430 Nordborg

LINAK® produces electric linear actuator solutions to create smooth movement in a variety of applications. From healthcare to agriculture, comfort furniture, office interiors, or industrial automation – the options are endless.

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