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Media Pricing Analyst for Omnicom Media Group


Are you a big fan of data and analytics; and are you excited about an entry-level position that offers both data controlling and data analysis tasks related to media buying? Omnicom Media Group, one of the biggest media agencies in the Nordics, is looking for an analyst that can help us monitor buying performance across Omnicom Media Group in the Nordic region.

Our goal is to develop and create a best practice within tracking of media buying; develop smart ways of handling and controlling data and ensure a continuous follow up on the buying performance. To help us on this quest, we are looking for a new colleague.

The position
As an analyst in the Nordic Accountability team, you will be working with our three media agencies in Omnicom Media Group: OMD, PHD and H&S across both Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Your role will be to:

  • Monitor cost performance for several clients and communicate the performance results to colleagues across the organisation
  • Report data to Omnicom’s Global Investment teams and to external media auditors
  • Facilitate status meetings and manage processes; plan data deliveries and ensure deadlines are met
  • Act as an adviser to investment and client teams

The type of candidate we are looking for

We are looking for a committed colleague that together with the rest of the team takes great pride in delivering high quality and who enjoys managing several tasks and projects simultaneously. We imagine you can see yourself in the following:

  • Have a relevant educational background, possibly cand.merc
  • Have great numeracy skills and an analytical approach to problem solving
  • Enjoy data controlling type tasks
  • Demonstrate excellent written and verbal communication and teamwork skills
  • Full professional proficiency skills in English
  • It is an advantage if you speak either Danish, Swedish or Norwegian

About Omnicom Media Group
We can offer you an exciting position, where we promise to introduce and onboard you to our industry and company. You will be working out of the office at Midtermolen in Copenhagen, together with 250 colleagues and you can expect:

  • A tailored onboarding program for our industry and company
  • Being part of a team that enjoys nerdy data analysis tasks while having fun
  • A working environment that prioritises personal and professional development
  • An innovative culture that supports people with drive and initiative
  • Flexibility in terms of the possibility to work from home one or two days a week, and a minimum of yearly travelling days

Send your application and CV as soon as possible. We are continuously inviting candidates for interviews and reserve the right to remove the job posting if we find the right candidate before the application deadline.

Department: Midtermolen 3, København Ø

Lokation: København

Application deadline: 13 Oct 2024

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Application deadline 13 October 2024
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Midtermolen 3, 2100 København Ø

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