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Applications Engineer (Structural Mechanics) - Career Opportunities


COMSOL Japan is seeking an Applications Engineer (Structural Mechanics) to join its Tokyo office.

Primary responsibilities

  • Technical support for COMSOL users in structural mechanics.
  • Create application models.
  • Author COMSOL blogs.
  • Develop and teach training classes for magnetic field analyses.
  • Work with the sales and marketing departments.
  • Give COMSOL product demonstrations at seminars, workshops, conferences, and meetings with customers.
  • Work collaboratively with developers to implement new features and participate in the overall product development of COMSOL Multiphysics.


  • Strong written and verbal communication skills in English and Japanese.
  • Business oriented and willing to work with customers on a daily basis.
  • Genuine interest of mathematical modeling, computational physics, and related software simulation tools, particularly within the field of low frequency electromagnetics.
  • High energy, self-motivated, quick study with positive attitude, flexible nature and goal-oriented work habits.


  • Challenging problems in designing state-of-the-art engineering tools.
  • Highly creative and qualified teams.
  • Great career opportunities at a quickly growing high-tech software company.
  • Countless opportunities to make a difference.
  • Casual atmosphere in a spacious office.


  • Ph.D. in engineering, physics, or applied mathematics.
  • N1 of JLPT.
  • Experiences in FEA.

COMSOL is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

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Diplomvej 376, 2800 Lyngby

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