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Electronic Engineer

BITZER Electronics A/S

Are you a hardware engineer and passionate about troubleshooting and analysis? If yes, we have the perfect job for you!
We are seeking an experienced hardware engineer for product maintenance in our Transport R&D team, where we work with control of portable refrigeration systems. You will be responsible for the ongoing maintenance and improvement of products in running production.

A significant portion of your role is to resolve complex quality issues, where you will be the go-to expert for our quality department when they need a root cause analysis. It will typically be products that have been returned after several years in the field, as well as products that experience failures or low yield in production. It is crucial that you have a passion for performing in-depth analysis, conducting analytical and systematic troubleshooting, and that you take an interest in understanding why the problem has occurred and how to ensure that the same error does not reoccur.

Another significant aspect of your role will involve making and coordinating changes to existing products as part of the ongoing product development and optimization. These changes typically stem from specific customer requests, obsolete or outdated components, or cost optimizations. The modifications can range from simple bill of materials (BOM) revisions to a complete redesign. In this capacity, you will collaborate closely with our procurement department and our subcontractors.

Key responsibilities:

  • Ongoing maintenance and improvement of our electronic and electromechanical products in running production.
  • Resolve complex issues, serving as the go-to expert for root cause analysis.
  • Address issues with field returned products and those experiencing failures in production.
  • Analyse older products with limited documentation and conduct systematic troubleshooting.
  • Collaborate with hardware and software developers as needed to resolve issues.
  • Coordinate and implement changes to existing products based on customer requests, component obsolescence, and cost optimization.
  • Work closely with procurement and subcontractors in product development and optimization.

We are looking for the following in a candidate:

  • Background in low-voltage electronics (engineer or technician) – preferably with knowledge about power electronics.
  • +5 years' experience as a hardware engineer in an electronics manufacturing company.
  • Analytical mindset, with the ability to independently address complex issues.
  • Detail-oriented, allowing you to identify design weaknesses.
  • Experience in creating test setups and operating testing equipment.
  • Passion for understanding the causes of issues and preventing their recurrence.
  • Ability to collaborate with many different stakeholders.
  • Strong coordination and documentation skills.
  • Professional proficiency in writing and spoken English is required – Danish proficiency is a plus.

We offer:

  • Flexible working hours.
  • Possibility to work remotely.
  • Spacious workplace with an engaging and informal tone.
  • Attractive salary package with a pension plan, health insurance and subsidized meals.
  • Bonus system.

Do not hesitate to apply for the job if you can see yourself in this role. We do not have a deadline for the position, but the process will close when we have found the right candidate.

For information about the position, please contact Transport Program Manager Bo Nicolai on +45 29 92 96 90 or [email protected]. For further information regarding the application process, please contact Marck Thorning, our recruiting partner from PULS Human Relations on +45 43 14 42 01 or [email protected]

About BITZER Electronics

At BITZER Electronics, we are always looking for talented employees who can contribute to developing the energy-efficient control solutions of the future. Solutions that make a difference in the green transition and can ensure that we reach the global climate goals by 2030.

For more than five decades, our skilled and dedicated employees have designed, developed, and produced electronic control solutions dedicated to various applications within heating, ventilation, and refrigeration.

We are part of the BITZER Group, which has more than 3900 employees globally, and is one of the world's leading manufacturers of refrigeration compressors.

Despite our global presence, local engagement is an important part of our DNA. We work closely with various educational institutions, commit ourselves to hiring newly graduated engineers and find room and space for employees with different profiles and needs.

Our corporate culture is based on strong values such as professionalism and inclusiveness. We focus on work-life balance and have a flat organizational structure with a short path to the top. We are incredibly proud that we over the years have been rated as one of Denmark's best workplaces, something we strive to live up to every day. You will be part of an open, inclusive, and innovative work environment that embraces diversity, unity, and the individual employee.

Department: Transport

Location: Kærvej 77, 6400, Sønderborg, Denmark

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BITZER Electronics A/S

Kærvej 77, 6400 Sønderborg

BITZER Electronics is a danish company owned by the german company BITZER Kühlmaschinenbau GmbH. BITZER Electronics produces electronic control devices for OEM products within the HVAC+R industry. Products are developed in-house and produced by global partners.

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