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Procurement Manager

Alba Project Group ApS

We are looking for a permanent employee to take up the position as Procurement Managers (+3 years) to support our clients’ need handling CAPEX contracts. Our typical client are large pharma or biopharma producers that are expanding their production facilities. Must be on site in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Job description
Join our passion of becoming the preferred provider of highly skilled CAPEX procurement services within pharmaceutical manufacturing sites. ALBA Procurement is a small but fast-growing consultancy company relying on extensive experience within the project management disciplines including procurement management for large, complex project for the leading companies in the pharmaceutical industry. We mainly provide support within the pharmaceutical industry, but we can also support other areas within the Life Sciences segment. We typically work close to our clients’ own resources, procurement department, legal, engineers, and process specialists as an integrated team using the clients’ template and procedures.

We are looking for a Procurement Manager to join our team. As a part of Alba Procurement, we expect you to act professional, build trust with our clients, and deliver as agreed. We would like that your experience is within some of the following areas:

  • Procuring production equipment for either API and fill finish production or laboratory equipment.
  • Handling of RFx processes, making the contract, and following up from ordering to delivery (expediting) must be known activities to you.

Furthermore, you excel in stakeholder management, tactical and practical procurement and set your professional skill high. Fluent in spoken and written English is a must. Most importantly, you understand the value of teamwork, sharing knowledge, and a good laugh at the office!

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Alba Project Group ApS

Transformervej 14, 2860 Søborg

Alba Project Group was established in 2019 as a consultancy specialised in Project Management, Engineering and Procurement with a particular focus on production companies and the pharmaceutical industry. Since 2019, Alba Project Group has grown by continuously delivering on its core values: Quality, Innovation and Thoroughness.

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