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Experienced Naval Architect for our Renewable Energy department

ISC Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S

Are you an experienced Naval Architect? Do you have experience working with floating wind and substations? Then we are looking for your skills in our Renewable Energy department in Copenhagen.

An exciting everyday life with varied tasks awaits you
As a Naval Architect in ISC, you will perform design and certification of floating substations. The tasks is to develop the design of a floating substation as well as interface with the Structural Team and a Design Partner.

Work will include supporting ongoing studies and tenders, which will evolve into detailed design projects. These projects are executed in close collaboration with an interdisciplinary team, including engineers with various educational backgrounds and project managers.

As leaders in the design of substations for offshore wind farms worldwide, you will collaborate with customers, partners, and colleagues with diverse professional and geographical backgrounds. Everyone contributing to the green transition.

You will be part of the Renewable Energy department in Copenhagen and report to Project Manager.
We are looking for a skilled, committed, and experienced Naval Architect who can contribute professionally as well as socially to the pleasant atmosphere.

Your daily tasks
Your daily tasks will primarily include:

  • Set up systems and process flow for the design of floating substation
  • Interface management with the Design Partner and departments within ISC, to ensure good communication, exchange of relevant data, and overall information flow.
  • Perform hydrodynamic and stability analyses
  • Perform ILA analyses including calculation of coupled loads and motions
  • As required and in collaboration with other departments, develop script for the interface between structural software and ILA model
  • Clarify the clients' needs, identify, and address design parameters and problems.
  • Produce design report and other deliverables for client and Marine Warranty Surveyor.

Your qualifications
You should be proficient in communicating and collaborating in English and with a diverse group of colleagues, encompassing various professional and cultural backgrounds. Further, it is crucial you understand the importance of working together as a team and thrive working project-oriented.

We expect that you have:

  • A Master’s Degree in Naval Architecture or similar.
  • Approximately 5 years of experience in the design of floating structures.
  • An innovative and problem-solving mindset.
  • The ability to take initiative and facilitate progress on projects.

It is expected that candidates are proficient users of Orcaflex and have good experience in PYTHON/MATLAB programming.

We would also like to hear from you, if you have other relevant experience, from e.g. offshore wind farm or the Oil & Gas industry.

It is an advantage, but not mandatory, if you have:

  • Experience with MOSES or SESAM,

A safe workplace with room to grow
Here, you get a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in exciting projects and further develop your skills. We make a virtue of taking good care of our employees so that everyone has the best conditions for developing their professional skills. That is why all our skilled and experienced engineers are ready to both train you and be inspired by your ideas and input.

In addition, you can look forward to the following:

  • Office centrally located in Østerbro, with fitness facilities.
  • Enjoy sunny lunches on the terrace when the weather allows it.
  • A flat structure, where there's a short distance from thought to action.
  • An inspiring and intellectually open work environment.
  • Great opportunities for professional development and collaboration.
  • Opportunity to explore other areas of expertise.
  • Paid health insurance and health package.
  • Flextime arrangement.
  • Company pension scheme.

Become part of an engineering company in rapid development
You will be part of a family-owned engineering company that helps customers daily through innovative engineering work. Our unique and professional skills as engineers make us a preferred advisor within sectors such as Renewable Energy, Oil and Gas, Buildings, Industry, and Infrastructure. We have branches in all parts of the country, and projects span a wide geographical area. We are experiencing an increase in the number of projects, which is why we need you as our new colleague.

Does this sound like a job for you?
Then upload your application today. We hold interviews on an ongoing basis, and employment takes place when we have found the right candidate.

We look forward to receiving your application.

Department: Renewable Energy Deadline: 04 July 2024Location: Renewable Energy / Hesseløgade 16, 2100, København

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ISC Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S

Øster Allé 31, 2100 København Ø

ISC er en førende ingeniørvirksomhed der rådgiver inden for adskillige ingeniørdiscipliner. Vi er specialiseret inden for områderne vindenergi, olie og gas, byggeri, industri og infrastruktur. Men uanset om det handler om en ny og banebrydende bro, en offshore substation, eller en moderne undervisningsinstitution, er grundighed og pålidelighed hjørnesten hos os.

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