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Experienced Senior Construction Manager


Lyngby, Odense

Are you an experienced self-going construction manager with a taste for large projects? Do you work confident and experienced with your customer relations? Then come and join us in shaping the future.

Become part of our highly professional team in Lyngby or Odense
We have large and/or complex building projects throughout the country. For this position we have initially a project in Kalundborg in mind. You will have to work most of your time on the site, and we can connect you to either our office in Odense or in Lyngby depending on your preferred geography for future projects.

Together, we design the future
COWI is a leader in our field because our employees are leading specialists in their field. We give you the opportunity to learn from the best in the industry and expand your potential in a unique professional environment where we work together to create the society of the future. In collaboration with your manager, you set the direction for your development and build your professional skills daily as part of our projects.

Your skills
The right person for this position is a team player with strong communication skills. You are good at listening and understanding the needs of the stakeholders, you maintain the overview in acute situations, and you think holistically and prioritize your tasks. In addition, you:

  • Have an educational background as engineer, building constructor or similar
  • Have from 10 years or more of experience gained a broad knowledge of construction through relevant projects from contractor, consultant, or client side
  • Have knowledge of ABR, AB, and ABT contract sets and have experience in negotiating contracts
  • Know about the use of digital tools and BIM-integration
  • Can perform professional supervision and client supervision
  • Can preferably communicate in spoken and written Danish

A great place to work and much more
At COWI, we collaborate with our clients to shape a sustainable and livable world. We do this by applying our knowledge and curiosity – and sometimes even our courage – to create solutions that make the world a better place. That is why, we say no to fossil fuel-based projects and strive to ensure that 100 percent of our revenue come from activities that guide our clients toward sustainability.

We are committed to creating a respectful and fair working environment where all employees have a sense of belonging and equal opportunities to thrive and grow. We consider diversity and inclusion in all relevant decisions and processes as well as in the composition of teams and forums. We do this because it aligns with our values and simply because it is the right thing to do.

The application deadline is as soon as possible as we will invite relevant candidates in for interviews continuously. We look forward to receiving your CV and application in either English or Danish. Please state, whether you prefer to be connected with our office in Odense or in Lyngby.

More questions?
If you have further questions about the role or what we are offering, feel free to contact Mette Gutte at [email protected].

Get to know us better on our website, where you can learn more about our projects, our strategy, what we aim to achieve, and what life in COWI is like.

Location: Lyngby, Odense

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Parallelvej 2, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

COWI er en førende rådgivningsvirksomhed, der skaber værdi for kunder, borgere og samfund gennem vores 360°-tilgang. Med eksperter i verdensklasse inden for ingeniørkunst, miljø og samfundsøkonomi angriber vi udfordringerne fra mange forskellige vinkler for at skabe mere sammenhængende løsninger for vores kunder.

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