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Saab Danmark A/S

Sonderborg, Denmark

Closing date / deadline: 29 December 2025

At Saab, we offer you numerous interesting fields of activity and a variety of career prospects. We are well aware that the choice is therefore sometimes not easy.

But you know best what you are looking for and how you imagine your dream job to be.

Thus, before you use the opportunity to send us an unsolicited application, we kindly ask you to take a look at our job portal. The available filter options in our job list will help you to find the position you are looking for.

About Us
At Saab, we're always on the lookout for passionate, talented individuals who are eager to make a difference.

Why Submit an Unsolicited Application?

We understand that talent doesn't always fit into predefined roles or job descriptions. By submitting an unsolicited application, you have the opportunity to showcase your unique skills and experiences that could bring new perspectives and value to our team. Whether you're an experienced professional or a recent graduate, we want to hear from you!

How to Apply
Prepare Your Application:

Cover Letter: Introduce yourself and explain why you’re interested in joining our team.

Resume/CV: Provide a detailed overview of your work experience, education, and skills.

What to Expect
Once we receive your application, our HR team will review your materials and consider how your skills and experiences could fit within our organization. If there's a potential match, we'll reach out to you for further discussions. While we can’t guarantee immediate openings, we value every application and keep them on file for future opportunities.

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Saab Danmark A/S

Porten 6, 6400 Sønderborg

Saab in Denmark is part of the Saab Group with headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. At the same time, Saab Danmark is an independent legal company with a flat organizational structure. Our main area of business is delivering integrated communication solutions to civil and military markets at home and abroad. Find more information about our TactiCall and TactiGuard solutions on

Workplace has right now 94 employees with higher educational background. In last periode they hired 10 candidates and 3 students and interns.

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