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Senior Process Engineer

Cetec Energy

Senior Process Engineer

Field Operations

Onshore, Esbjerg

Job description
Working as a Consultant for Cetec Energy at a Danish Oil & Gas Company.

Situation in organization
Line manager: Process, Flow Assurance & Chemistry Lead

Start date: July 1st 2024

End date: June 30th 2025

Scope of work

Scope of Work:

  • Using process calculation skills, tools and experience:

- Contribute to the research of technical solutions (upsets, shortfalls, instability, bottle necks, …)

- Provide Tier 2 support, diagnostic and trouble shooting

- Review and validate Jr. Process engineer work when required

  • Provide training, Coaching and support of the Process Engineers
  • Independently lead initiatives/Projects related to process engineering tasks
  • Contribute to the operating philosophy as well as to the operating limits (update)
  • Contribute on request to DGS and Integrity assessments
  • Contribute on request to various studies when OEFF, Safe Operations, Integrity, new development are at stake (Hazid / Hazop, RCA, pre-project, FMP, …)
  • Develop and update as required PFD, P&IDs, Process Datasheets & Specifications, Cause and Effect Diagrams
  • Document the FMPs, Derogations, etc.
  • Contribute to site surveys as required


  • PFD, P&IDs, Process Datasheets & Specifications, Cause and Effect Diagrams
  • Operating Envelops
  • Training and coaching of Process Engineers
  • Own calculation results
  • The development of his / her own competence
  • Visibility on site

Background/Qualification/Experience required

  • BSC in Science / Petroleum Engineering
  • According to seniority, 10 to 15-year experience in process industry
  • Proficiency with Process Simulations tools (e.g. Pro II, Hysys, Olga, Flare Sim, …)
  • A clear ability to work in transvers
  • A clear focus on HSE
  • Fluency in English

Contact information
Please send your application today if you are up for new challenges.

Application and CV must be sent via our website .

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Cetec Energy

Kirkegade 9, 2, 6700 Esbjerg

Vi tilbyder kvalificeret arbejdskraft inden for diverse tekniske discipliner, for Ce-Tec ønsker at hjælpe vores kunder med at dække deres behov for kvalificeret arbejdskraft i korte eller længerevarende perioder. Derfor tilbyder vi fleksible løsninger kombineret med minimal administration. Virksomheden har specialiseret sig omkring specielle knowhow og innovative løsninger baseret på hands-on erfaringer, hvilket har ført til et DNA bestående af ”Viden, Kvalitet & Sikkerhed”.

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