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Electrical Lead for coordinating role

Job - Link ApS

Job-Link is looking for an Electrical Engineer or Automation Engineer for one of our large clients.The position is full-time with employment in Job-Link A/S.
We are looking for a talented and experienced Electrical / Automation Engineer, with broad experience, preferably from the process equipment industry, to take the coordinating role between stakeholders (electrical, automation & instrumentation), as well as having some client contact.

The job
The projects are tailor made according to client specifications, and are small processing units for the food and pharma industry.

Key tasks

  • Coordinating electrical, automation and instrumentation engineers to achieve project goals.
  • Perform the engineering tasks suited for your key competences within electrical or automation engineering.
  • Participate in commissioning & performance tests.

What you know
We are looking for an experienced and skilled electrical or automation engineer with a broad experience background, preferably a person with some international experience.

You should be a proactive self-starter with an agile and positive nature, a person who is able to communicate well with collegues and be service minded when engaging with clients.

Furthermore, it is an advantage if you to have;

  • Experience with customer projects within food, pharma or chemical processing industry
  • Able to maintain stable performance under pressure and remains confident in unknown situations
  • A proactive self-starter with an enthusiastic and engaged approach
  • Possesses a structured and analytical mindset
  • Service minded

We offer

  • A challenging and satisfying job in a large and growing international company in the Metropolitan area.
  • Large amount of flexibility with work from home options.
  • Cooperation with proactive and result-oriented project teams.
  • Motivated and committed colleagues working in a positive and informal atmosphere.
  • The position is a long term consultant position with full-time employment in Job-Link A/S

Application deadline:

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Job - Link ApS

Jægersborg Alle 1,, 2920 Charlottenlund

Job-Link ApS er et rekrutteringsbureau, der ansætter personale til faste stillinger på alle niveauer for det private erhvervsliv.

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