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Senior Embedded Software Developer - SCRUM Master

GN Store Nord A/S

Do you want to join a technology front runner within BLE Audio products?
We are looking for an Embedded Software Developer who wants to take on the role as SCRUM Master. You will be the team coach and contribute to feature, platform and technology development in our innovative hearing aids and accessories.

The Team you will be part of
As our new Software Developer, you will be part of the Wireless team in the Operating Systems department in GN. We are responsible for developing embedded software for all GN hearing aids and accessories. In Operating Systems we have four teams, which are all a part of an Agile Release Train, organized according to SAFe. Each team consist of eight team members, including a Product Owner and a SCRUM master. Both Product Owner and SCRUM Master works partly with hands on Software Development together with the team.

Integrating software and hardware, we aim to develop the next generation of wireless connectivity protocols, embedded operating systems and low-level drivers. We are spearheading architecture and platforming for the next generation of ultra-low power audio.

You will join one of our Scrum teams of software developers, doing real-time embedded software solutions - constrained by MIPS, memory, latency and power consumption.

With an emphasis on scalable and reusable software and automated testing, you will participate in all phases of development – from ideation and specification to development of state-of-the-art systems and technologies. Depending on your experience and talent, we expect you to take ownership of various software domains or features.

Your contribution is appreciated, and more specifically you will

  • Provide innovative and effective solutions to our software-base
  • Own the unit testing for your implementation
  • Support debugging and contribute to problem-solving
  • Contribute to test-documentation and verification of new software
  • Cooperate with e.g., Apps team

To succeed in the role, we imagine that you bring

  • A degree in computer science, engineering or equivalent
  • Motivation to take on the scrum-master role
  • Solid experience with development of real-time embedded software in C
  • Preferably experience with continuous integration and a high software development maturity level
  • Motivation to work with agile and lean software development principles
  • Proficient level of English – spoken and written
  • An innovative and creative, yet structured, approach to problem-solving.
  • Pride in your work, with a strong desire to make a difference and contribute to a common goal.
  • Courage to challenge your colleagues and value any input coming from other specialists.

We encourage you to apply
Even if you don’t match all the above-mentioned skills, we gladly receive your application if you think you have transferrable skills. We highly value the right mindset; motivation and energy and we believe that the right personal competencies are highly important for creating success.

We are dedicated to an inclusive recruitment process and all applicants will receive equal consideration for employment.

Join us in bringing people closer
GN brings people closer through our leading intelligent hearing, audio, video, and gaming solutions. Inspired by people and driven by innovation, we deliver technology that enhance the senses of hearing and sight. We help people with hearing loss overcome real-life challenges, improve communication and collaboration for businesses, and provide great experiences for audio and gaming enthusiasts.

How to apply?
To apply, use the ‘APPLY’ link no later than July 20th, 2024. Applications are assessed on a continuing basis, which is why we encourage you to send your application as soon as possible.

Applications are assessed on a continuous basis, so don’t wait to send yours.

Quick apply You are welcome to use our Quick Apply function, where you only submit your up-to-date CV, including a few sentences outlining you motivation for applying – quick and easy.

We encourage you to submit your CV without a photo to ensure an equal and fair application process.

If you would like to know more about the position, please contact Klaus Elk, Senior Manager, Operating Systems on [email protected]

We hope you will join us on this journey and look forward to receiving your application.


Location: Ballerup

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GN Store Nord A/S

Lautrupbjerg 7, 2750 Ballerup

GN addresses medical, professional and consumer segments with solutions that improve quality of life, facilitate communication and enhance business and personal productivity. Our brands are all based on the group’s core engineering expertise and technologies. We develop and manufacture innovative and intelligent audio and video communications solutions that are marketed and sold in around 100 countries across the world.

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