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Reporting & Performance Administration Coordinator

ScanCom International A/S


  • Reporting and performance administration, playing a key role in keeping the company aware of where it stands.
  • Oversee and execute all reporting that is related to Group Planning and Monitoring, Sales Forecast & KPI Commercial Monthly Master Plan, Product Development Performance, and market intelligence with their team


  • Prepare weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly reports (GPM sales estimate vs. forecast report, overview of SCI pre-production, storage, Financial, contribution, delay, KPI, etc).
  • Manage master data such as: customer data, information, Commission and bonus set up, etc…
  • Creating Microsoft D365 guideline and follow up with KM department for better system performance Manage and maintain procedure, work instruction, templates etc. following ISO 9001:2015 standard.
  • Follow up and monitor data in the system, communicate and cooperate with relevant departments to minimize wrong and missing input in the system. Take active action in finding problems and their root causes and suggest solutions to avoid them in the future.
  • Cooperate with other departments to get necessary information for business analysis and project.
  • Work closely with production to make sure that production unit and production plan are updated correctly and on time in the system.
  • Support to maintain and develop exact data/report for weekly master planning meeting with Production Planning Management team.
  • Other duties as assigned by superior


Must requirement

  • Background in Data Management, SQL, Power BI. Python, System solution
  • Reporting & data management, at least 01 years
  • Fluent in English and MS office

Important requirement

  • Handling all data, follow up with others in team to make sure all data are corrected timely
  • Closely working with others in team to make sure data discipline, form implementation
  • Strong communication with other departments
  • Strong knowledge of system solution, KPI set up


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ScanCom International A/S

Gl. Banegårdsplads 10, 4220 4220

Since being founded on the 1st April 1995, ScanCom has grown to become a leading global manufacturer of outdoor furniture. ScanCom has its legal headquarters in Denmark and management is partly located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. ScanCom has sales offices in Denmark, the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, the USA, Hong Kong and Vietnam and manufacturing sites in Brazil, Indonesia and Vietnam.

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