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Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

People Executive ApS

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

For ambitious international energy company experiencing rapid growth

Do you have experience as a CFO in an international company? Are you ambitious and among the top financial professionals in the market, particularly well-versed in financial management tools and business support processes that enable you to act as a strong sparring partner within the executive team? Can you balance between focusing on stable day-to-day operations and strategically forward-looking development in a growth company with private ownership? If so, you might be the person, we are looking for at MFT Energy based at the headquarters in Aarhus in Denmark.

Financial support of growth strategy through scalable processes and increased digitisation
Reporting to the company's CEO, you will be an integral part of the executive team and will have overall responsibility for the finance function within the company. You are backed by a strong financial organisation consisting of both leaders and employees, allowing you to focus on making the right financial strategic decisions. Overall, you contribute to setting the strategic agenda for MFT Energy and play a key role in mobilising your organisation for overall success in executing strategic initiatives and ongoing operational responsibilities. Leveraging your solid business acumen, you provide precise analyses, challenging questions, and positive follow-up to ensure the ambitious business goals are achieved. Additionally, a focus area will be on digitising and optimising operational financial management tools to create transparency throughout the company and its subsidiaries, laying the groundwork for making optimal decisions for both the executive team and the group of owners. All of this with a focus on scalable processes to support future ambitions. Overall responsibilities include:

  • Financial management and reporting, including consolidation, liquidity and risk management
  • Serving as a sparring partner to the executive team on financial and business decisions
  • Acting as a strong collaborative leader for your entire organisation and across subsidiaries
  • Development of the company's operational financial management tools with a digital focus
  • Analysis and identification of causal relationships with a focus on forward-looking corrective actions and their implementation within the organisation
  • Point of contact for auditors, external financing partners, and insurance companies

You will be part of an entrepreneurially driven company that not only dares to talk about growth and ambitions but has also demonstrated solid growth. Additionally, you will participate in board meetings and have a central strategic role as a sparring partner for the executive team and ownership, where you contribute specifically to the realisation of strategic initiatives and ongoing business development.

CFO with solid business acumen and optimisation mindset
You have a financial education, such as a master's degree in economics, business administration, or equivalent, and come from a similar role in an international company, preferably with multiple subsidiaries. Your toolbox within financial disciplines is well-equipped, and you understand how to take on a strategic role in a growth-oriented company with significant complexity. As a leader, you can set direction and mobilise your organisation for overall success. On a professional level, you are known for having a good overview and being a step ahead in your analyses because you quickly grasp complex issues and can connect numbers with business understanding, allowing the overall business to navigate and manage complexity. This, combined with your expertise, makes you a sought-after sparring partner among both management colleagues and employees within the organisation. You are structured and analytical and transition naturally from board meetings to the engine room. You have a firm grip on initiated initiatives and ensure they are successfully executed. At the leadership group level, you are expected to contribute with precise analyses, challenging questions, positive follow-up, and good humor. Additionally, you have a digital mindset, effortlessly mastering ERP and BI systems and showing interest in IT-supported processes (RPA).

Application and CV
The recruitment process is managed by the consulting firm People Executive. Send your CV via the link on this page. We process applications continuously, and all inquiries are treated confidentially.

Margrethepladsen 4, ground, 2, 3 & 4 floor, Aarhus C

Location: Aarhus

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People Executive ApS

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