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Instrument Scientist for DREAM

ESSE - European Spallation Source ERIC

Reference number ESD-50196


The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a partnership organization of 13 European member countries located in the city of Lund, Sweden. The ESS is hiring motivated and inspiring people from across the globe to design, construct and operate the world’s most powerful neutron source. We seek collaborative, talented people in a range of fields who are excited about playing a part in the future of science in Europe.

The Science Directorate at the European Spallation Source (ESS) invites applications for an instrument scientist for the DREAM powder diffractometer. The Instrument Scientist for DREAM is within the Diffraction and Imaging Division which houses the instrument scientists and post-docs, responsible for designing, constructing and then operating the DREAM, MAGiC, BEER, HEIMDAL, ODIN and Test Beamline (TBL) instruments at the ESS. There are currently 15 instruments under construction at ESS, of which 5 (including DREAM) will be commissioned first.

Your role:
This position is for a lead instrument scientist for DREAM. The DREAM instrument is a flexible general-purpose powder diffractometer, designed for structural investigations of new materials. The immediate mission is to act as the project lead to complete the installation and to start commissioning the DREAM diffractometer. The instrument scientist will work closely with the lead engineer and in-kind partners, forming the core instrument team. It is expected that the instrument project will run until 2025, followed by commissioning and operations, at which stage the mission will be to operate the instrument within the ESS user programme. The successful candidate must be active in a scientific field of direct relevance to DREAM, such as magnetic, nanoscale, functional or energy materials. They will be given the opportunity to develop their own research projects. Synergies with the neighbouring MAX-IV synchrotron as well as strong links with universities will be encouraged. ESS will support and encourage the candidate to take up an adjunct position at a university in an ESS partner country, in order to facilitate their own research.

Required qualifications

  • PhD in experimental studies in the physical sciences relevant to the DREAM scientific programme, preferably in magnetic, functional or energy materials.
  • Extensive practical experience in neutron powder and single-crystal diffraction, as well as in the use of relevant laboratory-based characterization methods.
  • Expert knowledge of the data analysis for diffraction software GSAS, TOPAS, FullProf, Jana2006, PDFgui
  • Evidence of a strong independent research profile in relevant science areas supported by a strong publication record
  • Ability to work collaboratively and individually
  • Good interpersonal communication and presentation skills, and ability to interact effectively with staff and users at all levels.
  • Flexibility to requests to support users
  • Responsible attitude to personal safety, and the safety of others
  • Willingness and ability to travel internationally
  • Existing international collaborations, especially within Sweden and other Scandinavian countries

Desirable experience:

  • Experience with user operation at a large-scale neutron facility
  • Experience with time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction
  • Experience with pair-distribution function (PDF) measurements

Duration & Location
The position is a permanent, full-time role located in Lund, Sweden.

Application & Contact
Please provide your curriculum vitae and cover letter in English by going to the ESS recruitment web page then clicking on “apply” and following the instructions. Please note we only accept applications via the ESS website or ESS intranet. Internal candidates are encouraged to apply through the intranet.

The deadline for applications is August 3rd, 2024.

For more information regarding the ESS recruitment process in general, please follow this link

For further information regarding the open position, please contact Head of Diffraction & Imaging Division, Mikhail Feygenson, [email protected]

For further information regarding the recruitment process for this position, please contact HR Officer, Kathryn Quaak, [email protected].

For trade union information please contact Unionen / Conny Wendt at +46 72 179 24 63 or SACO / Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers/ Yngve Levinson at +46 72 179 21 65

We look forward to receiving your application!

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ESSE - European Spallation Source ERIC

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