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Contract Managers for DSB's complex projects


Do you want to work with contract management and contribute to a huge and complex program shaping the future transportation in Denmark?

This is a unique opportunity to become part of a diverse environment where flexibility, lifelong learning and work-life balance are at the center. We invite two Contract Managers to enhance our team's capabilities.

Your future colleague, Michael says:
“This is a rare opportunity for any recent graduate that would enjoy the constantly changing work environment that surrounds projects but would also like to gain experience across multiple disciplines.”

Welcome to the Legal & Commercial Contract Management Team
You will join our department “Legal & Commercial Contract Management“. In the department you will have 25 colleagues from different backgrounds. We have the overall responsibility for legal and contract management across DSB's various mega projects. Our primary focus is on coordinating, securing and optimizing contract follow-up, which is crucial for both small and large project implementations.

In DSB's project organization, you will be part of a center of excellence that provides processes and tools for all the projects. We focus on providing you with the necessary skills and mindset to handle challenges effectively.

You will contribute with your skills in administration as well as your insight into commercial aspects. You will have the opportunity to work closely with the rest of the team on the development and realization of strategies that ensure efficiency and compliance with all agreements related to the success of the project.

About the job and your tasks
You will be responsible for contract management, as well as contributing to effective project management.

A typical day might involve:

  • Collaboration across departments to ensure the integration of systematic processes.



If you have any questions call Rikke Saak Lindhardt on tel: 24684462

Upload your CV, application and (optionally) exam papers. You can also make your application as a short video.

Apply now
The application deadline is the 9 of juli. 2024.
We evaluate and conduct interviews on an ongoing basis, so hurry up and apply.

• Healthy and delicious lunch and dinner as Take Away.

• On-site fitness center and membership to PureGym.

• Free transportation with DSB.

• Full pension plan with health insurance.

• Flexible working hours and the possibility of working from home 2 days per week.

What do we offer?
• Developing your talents and skills.

You seem to excel personally when you're in a job setting that requires agility and swift transitions. It also requires that you are structured and good at managing your own time effectively. You are comfortable with both receiving and giving constructive feedback and can continuously learn from everyday experiences.

• A good financial understanding related to production- and cash flow analysis.

• Well-developed communication skills, preferably acquired through relevant trainee positions or similar.

• Proven experience with CRM platforms and contract management systems (CLM).

• Proficient in using Excel and Salesforce programs as well as data visualization software such as PowerBI.

Your professional qualifications

Who are you?
You are a recent graduate within Financial Controlling, Economics, Auditing, Finance, or a similar master’s degree.

• Work under transformative leadership – where you will have access to insights from experienced professionals that strengthen your own knowledge base.

• Ongoing participation in workshops to contribute to your professional development.

• Delivery of tailor-made solutions for specific project needs.

Your primary tasks will also include:

• Ensuring compliance with internal rules and legislation through careful documentation and reporting.

• Preparation and maintenance of financial models that support project management.

Department: Telegade 2, Taastrup

Location: Telegade 2, 2630 Taastrup

Application deadline: 09 Jul 2024

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Application deadline 09 July 2024
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Telegade 2, 2630 Tåstrup

DSB løfter en vital samfundsmæssig opgave sammen med mere end 500.000 daglige kunder. Som Danmarks største udbyder af offentlig transport spiller vi en vigtig rolle i at gøre Danmark til et bæredygtigt samfund. Det er DSB’s ambition, at bæredygtige, kollektive rejseformer skal være danskernes naturlige valg til fordel for både miljø og trafikal trængsel.

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