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Product Designer w. flair for audio/video solutions

GN Store Nord A/S

Are you passionate about creating exceptional user experiences? At Jabra, GN, we’re looking for a Product Designer to join our Product UX team within the Interaction domain, where you'll play a pivotal role in enhancing the physical usability and interaction experience of our cutting-edge audio/video solutions. Interested? Please read on.

You will join an ambitious and dynamic Product UX team of eight colleagues working at the intersection between Human Factors, Research, and Interaction. As a team we would describe ourselves as collaborative, curious, and driven – with a strong work hard, play hard mentality.. The team is a part of GN’s Design department, which also include Industrial Design and CMF (Colour, Materials, Finish) who sit close by. Additionally, you will work closely with disciplines within R&D and Product Management.

As our new Product Designer, located in Ballerup DK, you will take part in exploring new audio/video opportunities, designing innovative product solutions, and enhance our current market offerings.

Your contribution within Product UX Design is appreciated and in the role you will:

  • Champion the user’s voice as you work in cross-disciplinary teams to gather and contribute insights that prioritize user needs from the start.
  • Address user needs holistically through a comprehensive understanding of the user, business, and technology.
  • Design engaging physical interfaces by creating concepts and interaction points based on research and stakeholder input, ensuring diverse user interactions.
  • Build and test prototypes by developing and testing mock-ups/prototypes, validating assumptions and clearly communicating findings to stakeholders.
  • Define design requirements and ensure alignment with Product Management, Software, Mechanics, and other stakeholders.
  • Strengthen our UX backbone by identifying and solving key challenges, improving our ability to create valuable, desirable devices for users and delivering high-quality results to internal stakeholders.

As you will be working closely with great colleagues on all these topics, a sparring partner or collaborator will never be far from you.

To succeed in the role, we imagine that you

  • hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree within the field of Design.
  • have solid experience working in a physical UX- or similar product experience role, ideally in a large, international company.
  • possess an understanding of the product development process, from exploration to market launch.
  • are a true team player with excellent communication, project management and stakeholder management skills.
  • are fluent in English, as GN represents over 50 nationalities.

Hybrid work at GN
Flexible working is kind of our thing, so your workplace and schedule can be adaptable to your needs. We trust our people to get the job done. That said, for tasks that require a high degree of collaboration, we hope you'll join us in person.

We encourage you to apply
Even if you don’t match all the above-mentioned skills, we will gladly receive your application if you think you have transferrable skills. We highly value a mindset, motivation, and energy that aligns with our core values Listen, Challenge and Transform, to not only ensure success for you, but for your team and the wider GN organization as well.

We are dedicated to an inclusive recruitment process
All applicants will receive equal consideration for employment. As such, we encourage you to submit your CV without a photo to ensure an equal and fair application process.

Should you have any special requirements for the Interview please let the hiring manager know upon accepting the invitation to interview.

How to apply?
Use the ‘APPLY’ link no later than July 28th, 2024. While we will assess applications on a continuous basis, please note that due to summer vacations, interviews will take place in August.

On a time crunch?
Feel free to only submit your up-to-date CV including a few sentences outlining your motivation for applying – quick and easy.

If you would like to know more about the position, please contact Dennis Rønbøg Jensen, Head of Product UX on LinkedIn or [email protected]. Please note that the email is only for questions to the role. Please use the Apply link to send your CV and/or cover letter due to GDPR regulations.

Join us in bringing people closer
GN brings people closer through our leading intelligent hearing, audio, video, and gaming solutions. Inspired by people and driven by innovation, we deliver technology that enhance the senses of hearing and sight. We help people with hearing loss overcome real-life challenges, improve communication and collaboration for businesses and provide great experiences for audio and gaming enthusiast.

We hope you will join us on this journey and look forward to receiving your application.


Location: Ballerup

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GN Store Nord A/S

Lautrupbjerg 7, 2750 Ballerup

GN addresses medical, professional and consumer segments with solutions that improve quality of life, facilitate communication and enhance business and personal productivity. Our brands are all based on the group’s core engineering expertise and technologies. We develop and manufacture innovative and intelligent audio and video communications solutions that are marketed and sold in around 100 countries across the world.

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