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Associate Professor in Power System Protection

Syddansk Universitet (SDU)

The Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE) is seeking an innovative and visionary Associate Professor in the field of Power System Protection with a strong emphasis on Microgrids. The application deadline is 29 September 2024 at 11.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST)
The Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) was established by a strong partnership between industry, academia, and regional authorities. CIE is located at the campus of SDU Sønderborg and surrounded by a vibrant industrial environment. CIE is part of the Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering.

Job description
We are seeking an innovative and visionary Associate Professor in the field of Power System Protection with a strong emphasis on Microgrids. An ideal candidate is expected to have an excellent track record in most of the following topics:

  • Protection of AC and DC grids and microgrids
  • Advanced fault location and detection techniques in distribution systems and microgrids
  • Signal processing and machine learning applications in protection
  • Novel applications of microgrid systems, such as shipboard and aircrafts
  • Real-time and Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) simulation of microgrids and power systems using OPAL-RT, dSPACE, or similar platforms

Additionally, the successful candidate has experience in creating successful collaborations between industry and academia, combined with a relevant PhD.

The position will be at the rank of Associate Professor and preferably have a starting date of 1 February 2025. The appointment is permanent.

The successful candidate must have a PhD in Electrical Engineering. Commensurate with the seniority of the position applied for, we also expect:

  • Experience with industrial collaboration
  • Extensive research and publication track record
  • A track record of attracting external funding
  • Relevant teaching experience

Workplace description
For information about the Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, which encompasses the Centre for Industrial Electronics of SDU, please see

For specific information on CIE please visit

You are also welcome to contact the Head of the CIE, Professor Thomas Ebel ([email protected], +45 93 50 72 05) for further information.

If you experience technical problems, please [email protected].
A panel will assess the qualification of the candidate for the described post based on the submitted material. The application shall include the following documents in English:

  • Statement of motivation.
  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • List of publications.
  • Ideas for research and development (research plan).
  • An account of experience in education (Teaching Portfolio).
  • An account of contributions to innovation in power systems and industrial collaboration
  • Certificates/Diplomas (master’s and PhD degree) – Danish and/or English.
  • Publications most relevant for the position. Please attach as one PDF-file for each publication (only full text publications (i.e. no links) can form the basis for assessment of the application).

UPLOAD GUIDE: Statement of motivation shall be uploaded as ‘Cover letter’, Curriculum Vitae shall be uploaded as ‘Resume’. All other documents shall be uploaded as ‘Miscellaneous documents’.

Conditions of employment
The successful applicant will be employed in accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. Further information on salary and taxation.

Employment as an associate professor requires academic qualifications at PhD level as well as scientific and teaching qualifications at a level achievable based on satisfactory completion of a period of employment as assistant professor/researcher but may be achievable by other means.

Assessment and selection process
Read about the Assessment and selection process.

Applications will be assessed by an assessment committee. Shortlisting may be applied. Only shortlisted candidates will receive a written assessment. Read about shortlisting at SDU.

Interviews and tests with qualified candidates may be part of the process.

Application procedure
Before applying the candidates are advised to read the SDU information on how to apply and specific faculty information for application at the Faculty of Engineering.

The application deadline is 29 September 2024 at 11.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST)


  • According to the University of Southern Denmark’s internal guidelines, there must be at least three qualified applicants to a position before it can be filled.
  • Documents should not contain a CPR number (civil registration number) – in this case, the CPR number must be crossed out.
  • The application and CV must not exceed 10 MB.

The University of Southern Denmark wishes to reflect the surrounding community and therefore encourages everyone, regardless of personal background, to apply for the position.

Further information for international applicants about entering and working in Denmark. You may also visit WorkinDenmark for additional information.

Further information about The Faculty of Engineering.

Placering: Sønderborg, Denmark

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Application deadline 29 September 2024
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Syddansk Universitet (SDU)

Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M

SDU åbnede dørene for de første studerende i Odense i september 1966, og siden da er det gået stærkt. Vi har nu fem fakulteter med omkring 30.000 studerende, heraf mere end 15 % fra udlandet, og knap 4.000 ansatte fordelt på hovedcampus i Odense samt regionale campusser i Slagelse, Kolding, Esbjerg og Sønderborg og København.

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