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Field Sales Manager - Stila


Stila A/S wants to strengthen their Sales organisation with central base in Rødovre, Copenhagen. For this purpose, DEDIKATION is recruiting a talented, experienced and energetic Field Sales Manager who should join the team of Area Managers and Sales Representatives.

Primary tasks:

  • Develop plans to acquire new customers/dealers, strategy into action
  • Lead and coach the area managers/salesreps and gain local market insights and input for the commercial plan
  • Be the local market observer and expert (monitoring competition)
  • Contribute in the organization and execution of the forecasting process
  • Jointly responsible (with field marketing) for marketing investment ROI in the assigned marketplace.
  • Work closely with Customer Service and Field Marketing to ensure customer satisfaction, and high levels of field sales support in an effective and efficient way
  • Conduct appraisals with direct report, details commercial and personal development objectives
  • Implements effective coaching and development of direct-reports

Your profile:

  • Proven experience as a Field Sales Manager or similar,
  • Self starter, proactive and independent worker
  • Management experience
  • Strong business acumen and commercial drive, able to unlock new market potential in line with growth ambition
  • Strong computer skills.
  • Good communication, customer service, and problem-solving skills.
  • Self-motivated, results-driven, and independent thinking.
  • Experience in relevant industry.
  • Excellent project management, organizational, time management, and leadership skills.
  • Bachelor's degree in a business-related field.
  • Valid drivers licens
  • Fluent in danish, and good verbal and written English communication skills

Stila offers you:

  • Attractive salary package including a bonusprogramme and health insurance
  • Company car or subsidy for own car
  • Working in a great organization with close colleagues and interesting and challenging tasks
  • Great, dynamic work environment

About Stila:
Since 2015, B&C International has been the organization behind the Stila® brand. Under various brands and private labels, they sell tailor-made curtain solutions all over Europe. All collections are composed on the basis of European trends in interior design, and developed in collaboration with both designers and specialists within architecture. Since the beginning, the goal has been to create high-quality, personalized and tailored curtain solutions for all kinds of homes and all kinds of windows. With experienced craftsmanship and an eye for detail, more than 1,640,000 tailor-made curtain solutions for European homes are produced every year.

If you have any questions about the position, you are welcome to contact Thomas Laudrup on tel. 71 74 74 78.

Please apply in english. Start-up is desired as soon as possible, applications are processed continuously and we hire as soon as the right candidate is found. Applications received per email, will not be taken into account as they are deleted in accordance with GDPR legislation.

DEDIKATION - Hire for attitude, train for skills


Islevdalvej 98, 2610 Rødovre

Kontakt Thomas Laudrup CEO & Founder

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Høffdingsvej 34, 2500 København

DEDIKATION her rekrutteret sælgere siden 2013 med stor succes. Vi har specialiseret os i at rekruttere sælgere fordi det er det vi er gode til! Vi har arbejdet med salg og med sælgere i over 20 år, og ved derfor hvad der driver sælgere og hvad der skal til for at de trives i en virksomhed.

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